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What is your favourite thing about Gaminglight?


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SCP-RP's community hit different from the others, either your with the real nice people or the real toxic people.

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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A big part of it is the said community. It's well established along with many people interacting in-game, forums, discord, along with teamspeak. I've never seen the toxic people Tazza mentioned yet in SCP, then again, I've only started playing recently. I've personally seen more toxicity in imperial lmao, but that could just be me as a ST CPT. The community is what makes the RP go round as we interact in it. If people want to work hard, then people will work harder. The medium we use just happens to be in Gmod, and a specific game.

Compared to other servers, it may not have the coolest and litest RP systems; however, it seems much more approachable and also more lighthearted. I have joined other servers, but somehow didn't want to stick with them. Something about the simplicity, more optimized gameplay, menus, and interactions make it so much more fun.

Currently: Pyke Right Hand "Marquis" JSR | Overseer of Saboteur
Former: High Admiral "WR Senior Commander Any%" JohnDT Commander TP9|UN0|SCO | First Grand Saboteur Alpha | EpsilonAHGM | ST VCMDR for 10 minutes | Shock CSM | K2S1 STRM Lead SC47|Whiskey 01 | Nu-7 SSGT | CI SGMSuper Administrator | DT 2LT TP9

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The Chances.  
In most servers you're either judged heavily or something else, but here, you have a chance at everything, you're given a chance to prove yourself and keep going.  Even when you mess up severely, you can appeal or make up for whatever you did here.   
Everyone here is understanding in their own way, many may not be as understanding but in this community, you get a chance, and you get another chance. toxicity is rare but when it does happen it's diffused quickly, that's what's good about this server, is the lack of toxicity and opportunities given at every corner. 

Former: RRH Guardian KILO 20 | HTF MSG Inferno 2142 (MK2)| Nu-7: CPT, DHBHM, DHCBRN. SM | D5: MSGT x3 | Sec MSGT. | Moderator |
1 Year DHBHM 

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I love the playerbase and the staff team, especially the Gensec branch members. They are all so welcoming and kind; albeit few notable exceptions.



Wardens Triarii

Intersex (I'm female i promise but I have a masculine voice)

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Staff Members and stuff

                                                                                                                 Your One can Only

                                                                              Pyke Enforcer

                                                                          Pyke Expert Saboteur

                                                                         Purge HVY SGT [SS34]

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