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Caidon's Tank Trooper Officer Application


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1. What's your in-game name? | Caidon |

2. What is your SteamID as shown on roster? | STEAM_0:0:58317455 |

3. How long have you been on the server? | Total time is 3 Weeks on the server |

4. How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have? | I have Zero total warnings |

5. Why do you want to be an Officer? | Main reasons being that there is a lack of officers for the battalion | as well as I think I could be of great use to the battalion and other members of tank, maybe even TT Command |

6. What time zone are you in? | Eastern Standard Pacific |

7. What can you do to improve the battalion? | The main thing I can improve on is activity's for those who are online | and activity in general | As well as maybe even pitch ideas for the battalion |

8. How do you differ from other applicants? | I am very experienced with the rank of officer and their duty's | and as well as there is no one else applying for Tank Officer |

Head ISB:IA Agent

Senior Admin

Ex: L21 & C37 Nova Marksmen CPT, STRM Operative Alpha, ST/TT CPT, Shore Vice Lead


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