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Change the President Rules - Denied

Duncan  McOkiner

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 What you want to see? -

I'd like to see the rules for the President changed. As of right now, the rules state this:


"You may only assassinate/kidnap/raid/mug the President/Vice President when the tax average is at or above 20% OR if there are 3 or more President Protection Detail Agents(including Heavy PPD). If the person is mid kidnap or etc, you can not just change the taxes/And or have a President Protection Detail Agent switch off, and then proceed to call the situation false."

I'd like to see this changed to the following:


"You may only assassinate/kidnap/raid the President/Vice President when the tax average is at or above 20%..." "You may always mug/murder the President."

Why should we add it? - As of right now, if there are no PPD online and the President reduces taxes, that makes the President immortal. He can make weed illegal, and he can make all guns illegal, and can simply walk around with no protection with no fear of being removed from the job.

What are the advantages of having this? - It gives the PPD actual purpose to protect the President, and gives the President more of an incentive to actually find that protection. Murder is different from assassination in that a murderer must be on a specialist whitelist, whereas a presidential assassination can be committed by any criminal, including custom classes. A mug means the criminal has to be face-to-face with the President, and can be easily avoided by the President by simply giving the money.

Who is it mainly for? - Criminals. We have a very Government-Centric meta right now, and changing this would give the Criminals something to do. Frankly, as a heavy Gov-Main, there isn't enough Crime.

Links to any content - N/A, but please move this to the "President" section rather than in the middle of the FailRP section.

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With how many people play on murder and the Barrett that the one class is given I see this as a problem. President assassinations should be the only way a president should be killed. It has a simple cooldown to follow as well as rules to follow. With what you are suggesting if there is no PPD on there can be no president. Murders could just sprint into SS and what is the president going to do about it with a pistol if no PPD is on and his taxes are low. I understand this suggestion is for the select few presidents on the server that go all ban everything then run around but that really does not happen all that much. I see this causing major problems and just all around not working. I would like to see the presidents death fully wrapped around the idea of presidential assassinations rather then random muggings and a random Barrett shot from a murderer. 


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

Former: Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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