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DT CR2|Croc NCO App


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In-Game name:CR2|Croc






How long have you been in your current rank?:2days now




What experiences in leadership do you have?:I have been DT NCO before and I was a IF Officer on this server and I have been RG officers and a DT officer to and I have been a 501st officer to




Why do you want to be a non-commissioned officer?(100+ Word minimum)I want to be a NCO so I can help the battalion and help the enlisted and help do more tryouts. I have been a NCO in DT before so I know what it takes to be one. I also love helping people out when they need it.and I have a lot of experience of being in a leadership role. I have been a IF officer on this server and I have been a DT officer and a RG officer on other servers.I will help at any point or at any time that we need. I want to do my best to make this better the best it can be. I won’t to see DT grow as a battalion




What makes you stand out amongst the others?(110+Word minimum)I am very active and I have been a NCO for DT and I will do as many tryouts as possible. I also have had a lot of experience doing this kind of thing. I also get along with people easily and I want to help the NCO as much as possible and I want to help the enlisted and other DT out. And I would love to help the battalion out and I will do my best for the battalion.I will help with anything that needs help with. I have been in a NCO position before so I know what I have to do as a NCO.I do know this but helping people and making the area even greater than it is fun and an opportunity to help and make people feel welcomed or even make them look up to as role models. I will help ever where in DT and i have been a a Security Officer to.




Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an NCO you can be removed from your position?


Edited by Croc
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Edited by Frosty101

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