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Dylan's 501st Officer Application


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What is your In Game Name?

ARCTRN MSGT Dylan 09/501st SNRHVY MSGT Dylan 0825

What is your SteamID?


How Long Have You Been In 501st?

I've been in 501st for a little over 3 weeks 

Why Do You Want to Become an Officer? [100+ Words]

The reason I want to become an Officer I feel is put simply as this, I love to lead. While I am always respectful of all those that are above me in rank and will always make sure I can help where needed to ensure that our battalion is growing at an amazing rate and harboring some of the most qualified troops, I feel that these responsibilities will be easier for me to achieve and surpass if I were amongst the ranks of those who can actually call a lot of those shots. Though another reason as to why I want to become an officer in the 501st is something more of a bold claim on my part, I’m willing to say it and express my concern. Recently in the 501st, I’ve been exhibiting first-hand and second-hand many instances of trooper immaturity, disrespect, and borderline minging. While some who may read this application may know I’m not the most mature of all people, I know where my limits are when it ranges from having fun to bothering others, and I’ve seen it cross that limit multiple times in the past few days. Will I be able to solve this problem and make sure it never happens again? Well, no I can’t, that’s just an impossible outlook when in relation to never wanting to be too controlling to people on an RP server. Though, what I do ensure will happen if put as an officer is crack down on when stuff like this does happen whenever I see it first hand and second hand and have these instances serve more as a time for learning for the broader battalion rather than punishing and having people walk away from these situations with nothing but shame. Which I think boils down to my whole statement here. Why I want to become an officer is not for the sake of being an over looming entity with the power to make immense changes, but as a teacher who wants to spread his learnings on what makes a team great and how we can implement that here in the 501st.

How could you assist the 501st Command with this rank?  [75+ Words]

Besides teaching my own policies about being consistently respectful and well-mannered to those around us, I’d also like to begin boosting up the amount of trainings we do as a team, and I’d like to definitely highlight on the team part. Sure we can have a battalion filled with amazing pilots, talented PVP-ers and inspiring leaders, but none of that will matter if all of us are not working together as a team and more so don’t know how to properly function as one. If made an officer, I will make sure to consistently host simulations and trainings where I will highlight working as a team to complete an objective efficiently and swiftly, similar to choreographing a dance almost. These team based trainings of course will be paired with typical shooting based training and other combat, movement and roleplay based training to help strengthen in weakened areas for specific troopers that might struggle with these types of things.


How many strikes do you have? 

I do not have any strikes on my record

What Qualifications could you bring to the 501st Officer Team?

While I do not have any leadership experience here on Gaminglight, before joining this server I lead many different battalions on other servers such as ARC, 501st, and Shock and plus outside in the real world I have lead teams of people for my various jobs I’ve had over the past couple of years

Have you had any previous experience has an Officer?

If accepted, this will be my first time being an officer here on Gaminglight, but this will not be my first rendezvous being an Officer in Star Wars RP.

What is the purpose/duty of an Officer?:

I feel the true answer to this question would play off of what I said before, being that the job of an Officer should be to teach. The last thing an Enlisted or an NCO needs to have is another person barking orders constantly and telling them what to do, and most of the time nothing is taken away from that. So instead of making the enlisted who probably isn’t the best shot feel terrible for not being at their best, help them learn and teach them methods or techniques they can take with them to help better themselves the next time they’re sent out on a mission or participate in a tournament or sim. Decisions like that in my opinion only strengthen the connections an Officer has to their peers and how much an enlisted or NCO can trust on that officer to help them when they want to improve. 

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