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Simple Third Person: Third Person Aiming Off Set To Left [Denied]

Coyo T Wile

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What do you want to see?: A fix for the simple third person bug that offsets to the left when attempting to use any scoped weapon in third person, when zoomed in when set to centre the scope fills with players character model make aiming impractical.

Why should we add it?: Quality of life improvement

What are the advantages of having this?: Reduced annoyance and tedium of having to constantly switch in between third and first person if third person is preferred view when using scoped weapons.

Who is it mainly for?: Any class that uses scoped weapons

Links to any content: (Link provided is clip of issue referenced)

Edited by Coyo T Wile
Fit proper format
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*Update this to follow the proper format. At present, it is rambling and hard to follow, which is what the format is designed to prevent. Edit it and I may reconsider.



*After Reviewing the Edited version, and taking into consideration what others have said, I will be -supporting this. at present there is not a good enough reason to add this to the server.

Edited by KLONDU
updating my response.
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Current Royal Guard Vice Sovereign Sun Tzu

 "The Saber Guard Defense Force"

Former: Saber Guard Primus

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I mean I usually use third person and how it is rn doesn’t bother me. There is options of which you can edit the camera to your liking of which I have messed with before. I don’t think a full change of this should happen as you can just personally change the camera settings for yourself.

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
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10 hours ago, RussTime said:

I mean I usually use third person and how it is rn doesn’t bother me. There is options of which you can edit the camera to your liking of which I have messed with before. I don’t think a full change of this should happen as you can just personally change the camera settings for yourself.



Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

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14 hours ago, RussTime said:

I mean I usually use third person and how it is rn doesn’t bother me. There is options of which you can edit the camera to your liking of which I have messed with before. I don’t think a full change of this should happen as you can just personally change the camera settings for yourself.

You are right, you can tweak the options. but no matter what you change it to the camera is offset. A change like this is only a net positive. Even if it may not bother you does not mean it shouldn't be changed i find it to be un intuitive for something that should and in every game and video game ever that has a zoom from 3rd person to first it is a press of a button. 

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- Support 

- As RussTime has mentioned you can edit this client side. 

- There is no need to change this for the whole server.

| Imperial Governor of Lothal and Tatooine |

"If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy

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On 11/10/2022 at 11:40 PM, Frosty_ said:

- Support 

- As RussTime has mentioned you can edit this client side. 

- There is no need to change this for the whole server.


Current: Nothing 🙂
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