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SCP-4707-CI analysis (Updated)


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Grade: 40/100

Overall, this was a below average document. Please make longer, more thorough documents for EOI grading, along with giving your template more personal flair.

Lore: 17/25

Due to being an Event SCP, you will be receiving an average grade for Lore, however, I have seen it act like as described in the test, so I will give you a few bonus points.

Creativity: 9/25

Depending on whether it was shown to be hostile if provoked before the test, your score will be altered slightly. Regardless, a single test on the state of whether it would be hostile or not isn't very creative. 

Presentation: 7/25

While technically your own format, there's only very small splashes of color, making it pretty boring. While the picture brings it up a little, please add more flair to your personalized Docs.

Writing: 7/25

While detailed, incredibly short to the point of having actual testing being two pages. Whether you terminated it was simply due to fear of it escaping (or the event ending), it is not clear, regardless, EOI expects more through test logs.

Overall: F

Test quality: Approaching Expectations

Extra Notes: Thank you for tagging it as an event. Also just make the page background dark gray.
~D1 Honeypot

Edited by EpicSealGamer (ESG)
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