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Kleiners Gunnery Officer Application


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What is your in-game name?: Petty Officer Second Class Kleiner

What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:236455376

What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: PO2

What specialty are you applying for?: Gunnery Officer (Trial)

What Naval Command (Rear Admiral+) gave you permission to apply?: High Admiral Racc

What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can be active within the branch as there are not many people in it and I can help out Tenn Graneet with whatever he needs me to do. I believe I can also act as an NCO as I have some experience being an NCO, I have done things like host tryouts every week, participate/help with trainings and lead troopers into battle. I believe I would be a great fit as I have gotten my Engineer Training and know how to do RP with things like Turbolasers, Torpedoes, ETC.

Why should you be trusted with this position?: I think I should be trusted with this position as currently I haven't been striked or warned recently and I most if not all of the time follow rules set out for me. I should be trusted with this position as I want to help out with Gunnery Officer as it is a very amazing sub branch like all of the others but barely any gunnery officer is on. I don't want this to seem like I am desperately trying to get your trust but if you trust me you do and if you don't you don't.

Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank because Gunnery Officer is something that I think is very cool as the lore like tenn graneet is fire as hell. I also want to join a Sub Branch as a PO2 as early as possible so I don't miss out on very special things. I also want to rank up within Naval as a member that everyone can trust. I don't feel pressured to get Gunnery Officer, I just want to get into it as soon as possible so I can help out.

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes.

What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To be able to man Turbolasers on the ship, Run the Regimental Engineer Sub Branch, To make sure all offensive weapons are up to date and standards. They also get experimental weapons to use and act as a Combat Engineer while Flanking on the battlefield. They also are the most serious with Passive RP seeing as they man Offensive weapons, Repair things and oversee the Regimental Engineers.

Edited by C.R.A.Y.O.L.A
  • Gaminglight Love 1


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From what I’ve seen of you when I’m on Job you appear to be well kept together individuals who is aware of his current roles and responsibilities. You also appear to be good at following. Orders and a dedicated member of Navel. You also seem to be very eager to improve yourself and be an active member of Navel 

On 9/15/2022 at 12:21 AM, C.R.A.Y.O.L.A said:

I want this rank because Gunnery Officer is something that I think is very cool as the lore like tenn graneet is fire as hell. I also want to join a Sub Branch as a PO2 as early as possible so I don't miss out on very special things.

You do seem to be committed to the idea of being a Gunnery Officer. However just ensure your apply for it because you want it and not because you feel pressured to join a sub branch early if you don’t want too. But, if that is the case ignore this its jut a thought 🙂

Also, app could be a Lillie bit bigger and explain some of your points in depth like you said you were an NCO you could say what you did as an NCO etc…. However, as someone who struggles with literacy issues myself i get it if you can’t really think of anything else. Either way great points just explain them a bit more like the effect on the battalion, the skills you developed.

Overall, Please enjoy one big

+Support, Good Luck

Edited by JackForPrez
Spelling was awful
  • Gaminglight Love 1


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