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Removal of one of the NU-Class Attack Shuttles. [Accepted] [In Progress] [Completed]


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This was brought up to me and I decide to mention it.

The buggy/broken NU class attack shuttle -----> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1716586634&searchtext=NU+Shuttle

I believe the ship above needs to be removed as it is broken. I have tested it and it will not fly correctly, on top of this it may be conflicting with the other model of the ship below showing it as an ERROR sign meaning it wont spawn correctly. 

The way better working one currently in the server ----> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2541194638&searchtext=NU+Attack+Shuttle
Looking forward towards the responses on this one. 🙂

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You shouldn't be spawning it in the first place. The heads of the GM team are aware that it's broken. The GameMaster Ship Guidelines also states that it is broken/blacklisted/SMT only. I recommend routing it up the GM chain of command first, so that we are able to look at it more thoroughly and route it through our chain of command.


Thank you for being vigilant, however.


Death Trooper Commander/LTCOL/SV02

Assistant Head Gamemaster + Senior Admin

Current: Crunch's Son

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6 hours ago, Daze said:

You shouldn't be spawning it in the first place. The heads of the GM team are aware that it's broken. The GameMaster Ship Guidelines also states that it is broken/blacklisted/SMT only. I recommend routing it up the GM chain of command first, so that we are able to look at it more thoroughly and route it through our chain of command.


Thank you for being vigilant, however.

He’s put out reports n stuff for that, so he didn’t actually spawn the ship lol.

he’s just bringing it up and letting people know 

IC ES00 9904 Crosshair | Former VCMDR 1207 Sev

Elite Squad Imperial Commando

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8 hours ago, Daze said:

You shouldn't be spawning it in the first place. The heads of the GM team are aware that it's broken. The GameMaster Ship Guidelines also states that it is broken/blacklisted/SMT only. I recommend routing it up the GM chain of command first, so that we are able to look at it more thoroughly and route it through our chain of command.


Thank you for being vigilant, however.

I mention this because one of my IC on his CC has the ability to spawn this broken one and I am just pointing out it should be just outright removed at that point since the second one is way better, doesnt require to killbind to remove it and the other has all of the imperial resemblance to it.

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