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Seth's Gamemaster Application


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In-game name: Seth

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:89141742

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: DT SSGT

Have you donated to the server?: Yes, $300-400

Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No

Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No

How much time do you have on the server?: Just under 2 weeks

How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I am very well versed within Star Wars lore, both CW and Imperial. I have watched a lot of lore videos on Youtube in regards to certain battles within the Imperial timeline such as the battle for Mandalor, I have also watched all of SW Rebels, Rouge One, The Mandolorian, The Obi Wan Kenobi Series, and of course the original trilogy.

Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I would like to become a GM as I enjoy playing on the server first and foremost. I enjoy engaging with the community, attending almost every event I can, I enjoy joining and taking part in SIMs that GM's set up. I would also like to become a GM as I believe as a player who spends a lot of time within the community, I should feel obliged to give back to members of the community who make this a good community.

I have also enjoyed being a GM on other games in the past, I enjoy thinking and coming up with new and exciting events that engage the player base and ultimately make the server a more enjoyable time. I also would like to become a GM to meet new and exciting individuals and widen my experience within the server. 

Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I feel I should be trusted with Game Master, as I have a lot of prior experience with being a Game Master on other games, although I have only been a part of the community for a little under 2 weeks, I feel I have proven myself to be a serious person when it comes to how I conduct myself on the server. I believe I should also be trusted as I have not had any prior warning or bans, I think I have shown a good level of professionalism when it comes to giving feedback on events.

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Unfortunately I am not. But I am a fast learner 🙂

Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes, although many servers and games differ with what GM's can and cannot do, I believe I am well versed in being a GM. I understand on this server GM's are expected to come up with ideas on events and host them, alongside this I am aware that GM's take tickets on certain things such as helping out on battalion try-outs by equipping players with guns and editing players HP and armour. Along side this, I am aware that GM's host SIMs ranging from many different things, such as PvP SIMs to parkour SIMs

Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event:

Rebels have boarded the ISD with what seems to be some kind of droid, the intentions of the rebels are to escort this droid to the Command Offices and download highly sensitive Tie Fighter Assembly Line locations. High Command has ordered all personnel to apprehend or kill the rebels and droid. Unfortunately during all the chaos another team of rebels managed to slip by security and download the Tie Fighter Assembly Line located on a remote outer rim planet. The band of rebels and there droid manage to escape into hyperspace. However, one of the rebels was captured and fortunately for the Empire the rebel was carrying a set of coordinates that handily matched a Tie Development Facility located on an Outer rim planet. 


In an attempt to stop the rebels from hitting a devastating blow to the Empires Tie Fighter Supply, the Empire attempts to send the ISD to a remote Outer rim planet in order to protect the Tie Fighter Reserves. The ISD is quickly brought out of hyperspace and quickly realises that the rebels have already landed and are setting up defensive positions around the base. The Empire sends the personnel of the ISD down to the planet to mount a frontal assault on the base. After advancing through the Rebel defences, the Imperials realise that the base has been closed off from the outside, in order to stop the rebels from planting devastating explosives, the Imperials must find a way to open the doors. AND FAST.

Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example):!give @  rw_sw_dual_dc17s

Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model ^ <model name>

Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes, a handful of times.

Apparently I need to put something here. 

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Great app. We need more GMs!

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Current  #1 Gaminglight Aussie

Former : Admin | 501st Commander Cammin501st COL ARCL Blitz 01|Nova MM LCPL Odin SF SFL GSC Cammin IC DMS SSE 2LT Cammin | 69th PFC Cammin Shock PFC Cammin | IF Agent  Deez Nuts  | GameMaster I |  DT CPL OB1


                                              "All we want in this life. Is Peace, Prosperity and a Little Paper" -Q Tip

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19 hours ago, Cammin said:


Great app. We need more GMs!


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Currently: PoliceRP Super Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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+ Support 

We can always have good GMs that are willing to help the community we need more people like him on this server that are committed to learn and grow in this server.


| Former: IQ Eighth Brother | Former: IQ Ninth Sister | Former: Junior Managment Team | Former Head Game Master |
rogue one GIF by Star Wars

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2 hours ago, Iceberkk said:

+ Support 

We can always have good GMs that are willing to help the community we need more people like him on this server that are committed to learn and grow in this server.



Senior Moderator  Walker  Death Troopers  HX7  Royal Guard  Shadow Guard  Walker  |   EX : SHGO Lore Senior Guard Walker/Vacander Jax | EX Shock Command  Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem & K2S0 

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On 8/25/2022 at 8:55 AM, Iceberkk said:

+ Support 

We can always have good GMs that are willing to help the community we need more people like him on this server that are committed to learn and grow in this server.


Worked with him multiple times! Great application, exceeds expectations and as an active member within the community! Would love to have them on the team!


Death Trooper Commander/LTCOL/SV02

Assistant Head Gamemaster + Senior Admin

Current: Crunch's Son

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Congratulations! Come speak to a Gamemaster V+ in TeamSpeak to receive GM training!


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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