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Bursha's Ban Appeal for the Police RP Discord - Denied


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Your name: Bursha

Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): Bursha#0593

Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136):  728755726121566270

Which discord server were you banned on? The Police RP Discord

What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? I think because I had my pfp, and name as MEE6 when I joined.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned? This was my profile when I joined the server, I was also never told to change my name I kept it within about an hour I was Perma banned without any further explanation. I would like to be given another chance considering I was never given one before being perma'd. I've matured from my offenses considering this was around a year ago I also didn't know that was against the server rules at the time. I was also never DM'd or really informed of what I had committed wrong I only realized my wrongdoing further down the road.

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-He was never told to change it 

-He didn't know he couldn't do that 

-He is a good member of the community 

-He wont do it again in the future 

-He was never told to change his name

-there was no warning 


i dont care GIF 

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49 minutes ago, Slasher said:


-He was never told to change it 

-He didn't know he couldn't do that 

-He is a good member of the community 

-He wont do it again in the future 

-He was never told to change his name

-there was no warning 


Current: PD Sergeant Major | SRT SSGT | USMS Low Command CMA!|EMS PARA | PPD UDO 


Former: Purge SGM | Brawler(BDS) | Storm trooper LCPL | CI RCT | PoliceRP Senior Moderator | PoliceRP Event Team | USMS LTMAR(Best one frfr) | HRT SSC | 


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11 minutes ago, Bursha said:

I just joined to see PD and USMS Meetings while my ban appeal is in progress.

*Not USMS I dont have tags yet.

You Shouldn't be joining with another account as you still are banned from our discord.

That bald Aussie Guy

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