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Matter Officer App


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 What is your In Game Name?


What is your SteamID?


How Long Have You Been In 501st?

2-3 Months

Why Do You Want to Become an Officer? [100+ Words]

I want to be an Officer to be able to climb the ranks and be able to make sure the rest of the 501st is doing their jobs and make sure nobody in the battalion is minging. I am pretty active in the server. 501st is my main battalion on the server and being an officer would give me more opportunity to progress and grow as a leader. The battalion is important to me and I want to make sure we keep our reputation and make sure people don't Minge and ruin it. Making sure the battalion is in shape and people aren't messing with it would probably be my main goal, along with doing SIMs, Trainings, and tryouts to help hit quota.

How could you assist the 501st Command with this rank?  [75+ Words]

I could assist the 501st Command by making sure people in the battalion are not minging and that they aren't messing around with their given tools (HVY Shield, Jetpacks, Grenades, ETC). I could also help by doing SIMs, Tryouts, and trainings for the battalion to bring more people into 501st and grow the numbers of it. With this rank I will be able to keep the battalion in line and make sure people look at us as Vader's Fist and that we are looked up upon.

How many strikes do you have? 

None Currently

What Qualifications could you bring to the 501st Officer Team?

I could bring Leadership ability and some stuff from military to keep our 501st Members in tip top shape.

Have you had any previous experience has an Officer?

No, but I would like to gain some experience with the battalion I know best.
What is the purpose/duty of an Officer?:

To keep an eye on NCOs and make sure they're doing their job with hosting tryouts. Doing SIMS, Tryouts, and Trainings to help grow the battalion and give the 501st more experience in the field, and so that they know what they're doing. Make sure the 501st are kept in line and not minging.


Edited by Материя Смерти
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Due to your current LOA, we do not feel now is the best time to make you an Officer. Do not be discouraged, and thank you for applying.

| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
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