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Reeses D5 Application


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Name- Reeses
Steam ID-  STEAM_0:0:24804972
Discord Name- Reeses#1117

Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- E11

List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- 1 Warn 

Why do you want to join Delta-5?

I wanna join D5 because every since D5 was implemented I always thought those guys are so cool. Then I saw the requirements I was like I wont ever have the time to do that. Now with applying I finally have the chance to join probably one of my favorite MTF groups or any group on the server. I will be respectful and on D5 a lot and I hope one day to make it the most active MTF group on the server.

Why should we let you into Delta-5?

I think I should be let into D5 because im very respectful (A bit of a minge sometimes) But I get serious when I need to be and even though I have 1 warn I am trustworthy to be active and be respectful. I have already made a couple friends in D5 and I see what the groups is and I know that it is quite exclusive and I will do my very best to uphold the standards that we have been given and more in the future. I hope you think I am fit enough to join this fantastic group.

Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?



Current Ranks: The Eighth Brother
Former Ranks: SCP RP: Former CI 2LT l  l Former D5 2LT l Former Senior Moderator l Former RRH Guardian Juliet 7 Level 100 Gang
Imperial RP: Former DT 1SGT l Former IF Senior Agent l Former Naval Commander 
Police RP: Former Police CPL l Former SRT PVT l Worst Police RP PVPER

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