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A Study on the Human Soul and it's Properties: 527

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Grammar & Spelling: 10/10 - Little to no grammatical errors or spelling errors, very nice.

Lore/Idea: 9/10 - IIRC, the only thing anomalous about 527 is the fish head. Other than that, there's nothing else. I won't take off more than a point due to the fact that nothing says it can't steal souls either.

Length & Format: 8/10 - Nice format n a good length. I'd say needs a little more though, on both. The format was a little hard to read and kind of hurt my eyes though that might just be me, so I won't be too harsh on this. Just find a better font that isn't so rough I suppose. Remember -- Feel free to add details that didn't happen! Tests don't need to be word-for-word on in-game events.

Overall Grade: 9/10 - A very interesting concept of SCP-527 being able to 'steal souls'. I like the idea. Keep up the great work Lobster! 

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