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501st Legion "Vader's Fist" - Small Updates [Accepted] [In Progress] [Completed]


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501st Updates


Job/Class Name: 501st Commander & 501st Vice Commander

Current Loadout: Binoculars (White), Unarrest Baton, DH-17, DLT-19, Westar-M5, TL-50, DP-23, TL-40, Cross Arms, Cross Arms (In front), Deployable Shield

Weapon Removal: DLT-19

Weapon Addition: Z6I

Reason for weapon change: The main reason this change is necessary is because the 501st Heavy job no longer uses the DLT-19. They have swapped to the Z6I so it only makes sense that the command jobs should change as well.


Job/Class Name: 501st Phase Zero Trooper [T3]

Current Loadout: Imperial Shield, Binoculars (White), TL-50,TL-40, DP-23, DualDH-17a, T-21

New Job Scale: 1.04

Reason for Job Scale: I believe that the 501st Phase Zero Trooper should be scaled to 1.04 because in lore Dark troopers are taller in stature they basically towered over there enemies, This Job scaling would give players the feeling of being lore accurate.

Edited by Rux

ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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Thank you for your suggestion! Please allow up to a week for this suggestion to be successfully implemented into the server.


*SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*

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