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Naval Gunnery Officer/Tenn Graneet Update [Accepted] [In Progress] [Completed]


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Battalion Name: Naval

Job/Class Name: Naval Gunnery Officer


Weapon Kit:

-Current loadout: Binoculars (White), Arrest Baton, Unarrest Baton, RK-3, Cross Arms, DP-23, CR-2c, Voice Amplifier, Smart Launcher, Se-14c, F-187, Fusion Cutter, Cross Arms (Infront)

-Add: TI-21 (rw_sw_t21)

-Remove: CR-2c (rw_sw_cr2c)

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): believe that Gunnery officers kit should be improved for a few reasons, gunnery officers act as a ground armor meaning that our kit should fit for combat when needed, not only that but gunnery officers do not have a ground armor forcing us to need to use the weapons we currently have, gunnery officers are also stated to possess experimental weapons however currently having mostly the same weapons as all the other specialty officers besides us having the DP-23 shotgun and Tenn Graneet with the DC-15x, this can also be a way to encourage more players to join navy and gunnery officers. The TI-21 is a good weapon for long range combat and is mostly consistent with damage output and accuracy. The CR-2c is very unreliable having low damage and very bad accuracy. 



-Current: 0

-New: 100

Reason for health/armor changes: I believe that gunnery officer and Tenn Graneet job should receive an armor boost as not only can they not have a battalion ground armor job for more health and armor like the other naval specialties but also the Naval Ground armor job also has armor on it, therefore it would just be more fair to give gunnery officers armor to help them stay alive longer in order to participate in things such as events and just in general more combat.




Battalion Name: Naval

Job/Class Name: Tenn Graneet


Weapon Kit:

-Current Loadout: Binoculars (White), Arrest Baton, Unarrest Baton, RK-3, DC-15x, S-5c, Cross Arms, DP-23, CR-2c, Voice Amplifier, Smart Launcher, Se-14c, F-187, Fusion Cutter, Cross Arms (Infront) 

-Add: TI-21 (rw_sw_t21)

-Remove: CR-2c (rw_sw_cr2c

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): believe that Gunnery officers kit should be improved for a few reasons, gunnery officers act as a ground armor meaning that our kit should fit for combat when needed, not only that but gunnery officers do not have a ground armor forcing us to need to use the weapons we currently have, gunnery officers are also stated to possess experimental weapons however currently having mostly the same weapons as all the other specialty officers besides us having the DP-23 shotgun and Tenn Graneet with the DC-15x, this can also be a way to encourage more players to join navy and gunnery officers. The TI-21 is a good weapon for long range combat and is mostly consistent with damage output and accuracy. The CR-2c is very unreliable having low damage and very bad accuracy. 



Current: 0

New: 100

Reason for health/armor changes: I believe that gunnery officer and Tenn Graneet job should receive an armor boost as not only can they not have a battalion ground armor job for more health and armor like the other naval specialties but also the Naval Ground armor job also has armor on it, therefore it would just be more fair to give gunnery officers armor to help them stay alive longer in order to participate in things such as events and just in general more combat.


Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, these changes will make gunnery officers more effective at combat by letting them to give a good amount of damage while also not being overpowered as they are still naval. It will also encourage people to join Naval and the Gunnery Officer specialty as our numbers are currently lacking. I believe having improving the armor of GO and adding the TI-21 will make the specialty even better and will make everyone's life in the specialty more unique and overall fun.






High Admiral | Imperial Navy High Command

ISB-021 Agent (Hairline) Kallus 

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Thank you for your suggestion! Please allow up to a week for this suggestion to be successfully implemented into the server.


*SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*

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