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Silly's SCP-343 interview and test log.


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Test Score Sheet

Grammar : 8/10

So your grammar wasn't bad, it just was weirdly worded a lot.


  • "SCP-343 is perfectly harmless thus far"  sounds weird and wrong, maybe go into example like "SCP-343 has shown no harmful intents or actions so far"
  • "He does not seem to be of any race; he was contained in the foundation when a staff member witnessed him disappear from the street that he was walking on." that semi colon was weird and only kinda connects, I assume you were going with this member of the foundation didn't notice he had a race but I wouldn't have used the semi-colon there.
  • "An example of this being that" just sounds weird
  • " as the “Panacea”" has no period at the end
  • the link at the end was incorrectly hyperlinked

Creativity : 8/10

I love how you decided to just do interview sections about specific SCP's to SCP-343. The only reason why you have points off is because your conclusion and hypothesis wasn't truly there. Your hypothesis wasn't a testing hypothesis (although I know what you were going for) and your conclusion was only on SCP-500. I would have done a summary of them all at the end or a conclusion at the bottom of each one but anyway, that was ironically also by far the best part of your log. If you didn't know, attempts to recreate SCP-500 have been extremely difficult and have failed every time. So if you do a test log about SCP-343 trying to recreate SCP-500 and go into more details it would be amazing. Besides this your 098 section was also weirdly funny and interesting. Oh BTdubs: "Silly: Alright. This interview will be used for your file, are you okay with that?" Is just a weird question to ask....

Design / Format : 7/10

The placement of your photos was weird, the separation of interviews didn't seem to be done very well. I would recommend trying to separating the interviews by page. Its hard to point this section out over text but that is the best way I could explain. If you would like further details on the formatting feel free to contact me.

Final Test Score : 23/30
So I remember reading this with Billy for his writing competition. You were in the running for a while so just know this is a good test log. But the flaws I have pointed out are the ones which are your weakness with test logs. Please work on them, it could easily change your next test log to be a wanderers library level of document.


Edited by Super_Smitty


Senior Event Team | Deputy Head of Research | Superstar Badge Winner  | Foundation Star Award

RFA - Agent Sigma 0A0 / RRH Analyst - Sierra 17

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