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SCP 999 Test By Dr Cringe


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In-game Name: Dr Cringe
Rank: RMS

Idea: Could 999 help treat and sense Psychological pain in someone 
Basic Description of what you will do: I will keep 999 behind a glass door and talk to the patient about his pain.
Hypothesis: I believe 999 might get annoyed that he can't help the patient with his pain.

Observations (can be a video or audio):
Dr Cringe: Mr D-class, I would like to begin by asking you a series of questions that pertain to your psychological issues.
(SCP 999 begins to move around in his enclosed space, gesturing that he wants out)
D-Class 3504: I understand....
Dr Cringe: What is your current psychological issue?
D-Class 3504: I don't belong here, I miss my family, my wife, my kids! I can't take it anymore!
(SCP 999 becomes exceedingly rowdy and is trying his best to leave the glass enclosed space)
Dr Cringe: How does that make you feel?
D-Class 3504: I feel like I just want to leave! To break out! I don't want to be here any longer.
(SCP 999 continues to try and move the glass, doing his best to maybe even break the glass)
Dr Cringe: I see, and you believe that will help you?
D-Class 3504: Of course it will! I'm not even allowed to see them!
Dr Cringe: I will not try something.
(The Gate holding SCP 999 back is now open, after a few seconds 999 is bolting towards the D-Class)
(SCP 999 is clearly showing affection as he in on top of the d-class in a melted like state)

Dr Cringe: How do you feel now?
D-Class 3504: I feel.... Relaxed....That I know one day I will eventually see them again..
D-Class 3504: Thanks doc, this really helped me.

Dr Cringe: Alright, I think it's safe to assume you are able to be put back in your cell.
Dr Cringe: That ends the test.

Detailed description of what happened during the test:
SCP 999 is very capable when it comes to sensing psychological stress and it gets exceedingly rowdy and annoyed
when it cannot come into contact with the person who has this stress. SCP 999 may be a valuable tool for calming down
Stressed individuals within the foundation.

Conclusion: SCP 999 may have a lot more capabilities then we thought and might be a good way to help the Foundation
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, my hypothesis was correct.
What did you learn?: I learned that SCP 999 can sense Stress and will do anything it can to help that person.
How Can This Benefit Medical?: SCP 999 usage may have a viable use in calming down, or sedating people for a certain
Amount of time, this may benefit us in how much supplies we use for psychological pain like depression.

Former  E11/R&D Senior Command | Former IMP RP HCMD | Donator | "when you're drunk as fuck, you feel no pain" - Yohan 2022 |

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Official Scoring System grade: S+

Total: 25/25

Creativity: 5/5

Usefulness: 5/5

Writing: 5/5

Presentation: 5/5

Realism: 5/5


+Bravo! Nice, long logs make things interesting, and good to read.

+Nice Idea, I know it can sense depression and sadness, but pain is another field.

+Good Implications. S+.

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