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Overall Grade: 8.5/10

Lore: 9/10

Great work! Not only were you able to garner excellent data, but you were even able to extract some information as to another location
for investigation! I look forward to see what will come of what you gathered.

Creativity: 8/10
Good Q&A with a usually fruitless SCP with exquisite form.

Presentation: 8/10

Excellent formatting and presentation! 

Writing: 9/10

Honestly nothing to complain about other than I wished for more!

Overall Notes:

Superb work! Excellent conclusions were drawn, terrific information was brought to scrutiny, and it was beautifully formatted!
You will go far in Research should this level of quality be maintained and even polished.

Research Assistant Manager | Epsilon-11 1LT  | RRH Guardian Romeo 25|

"Sic Semper Tyrannis"

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