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Test Log: 610 Cancerous Cells Observation


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Lore Name: Orypa
Rank: Senior Researcher
SCP: 610 and 1025

Question / Idea: What will different types of cancer do to a newly created instant  of SCP-610.
Background Research: SCP-1025 test logs shows if you read page 927 you will get "Regenerative Cancer"  Which regenerates cells. SCP-610 causes your cells to change and grow 2-3 random and horrific new additional limbs which is seen in previous test logs.
Hypothesis: I hypothesize that the Regenerative cancer will cause even more additional limbs to grow as well as cause the SCP-610 instance to become larger in size from the other instances of SCP-610. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): The test subject survived an extra 27 minutes and 11 seconds longer than other test subjects previously exposed to SCP-610. During the revival process it only took the test subject 39 seconds to revive compared to a previous average of 3 mins seen in all the previous test subjects. When the subject reanimated it grew an estimated 11 times larger size than previous test subjects and it had an estimated 1 extra limb per square foot, we've only been able to observe 27 extra limbs , however we estimate the instance of SCP-610 has 40 but we may never know since the test subject had to be terminated because of a potential breach risk in how rapidly it was growing. 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: The SCP-610 instance was a light brownish color with rough scared tissue for skin that had an extra 27+ limbs than a "normal" non cancerous instance of SCP-610. It had an estimated height  of 21 feet 3 inches  with a width of 18 feet 9 inches. 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The regenerative cancer given to test subject may have caused non SCP-610 infected cells to grow on the instance which was getting infected simultaneously by the existed SCP-610 cells attached to it, which may have also caused the extra limbs to grow from the previously 2-3 average.  
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes 

GFRC fan , What is GFRC? Just something an old friend made.


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Test log assigned! Please wait 1-3 days for grading!

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Test Scoring Sheet

Format : 3/10

The test is written with the standard format. You are free to change up the format a bit instead of copying it directly.

Grammar : 8/10

Your question should have a question mark at the end of it. Some words should be added such as in this sentence: "cancer given to test subject" should have a "the" between "to" and "test". Other than those two points, your document looks good.

Creativity : 6/10

Fairly unique cross test. Some pictures would be nice. The time measurements you have are very precise which shows some of the thinking you put into this. Test log is pretty short though. (You can add some of your thoughts to why things happened and how other people reacted to the situation they were in for a start.)

Final Score : 17/30

I am advocating for you to use a software such as google docs for your test logs. You would be able to add pictures and do a lot with the format. I believe your grammar is your strongest point. I hope you take my suggestions into consideration for your next test log.

#RipRND you will be missed


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