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SCP-173 & SCP-513


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Grammar: (5/10)

There are quite a few grammar errors in this piece. "SCP-513 Otherwise The Haunted Cowbell" should be phrased "SCP-513 otherwise known as The Haunted Cowbell"  and there are also a lot of capitalization errors. Recommend looking over this again and possibly using Grammerly.

Design: (6/10)

I really enjoy this design, it reads properly as a document. EXCEPT; The images don't fit the document and are not in an appealing position. plus the separations in statements aren't there. It helps with formatting and giving headers to each sections (i.e. Hypothesis, What happened, Outcome, Hypothesis alignment)

Lore: (7/10)

For the incredibly brief descriptions of the SCP's its pretty spot on and I don't have many critiques besides using more detail for them 

Creativity: (4/10)

This test is incredibly short, test and not detailed orientated enough. I'd encourage doing more creative writing and taking creative liberty to explain how the test went, tell the story in the document about the test. 

TOTAL: 5.5/10

NOTES: go ahead and start working on elaborating in details the test, and taking that creative liberty. When it comes to test logs "Quality over quantity" is my personally saying. BUT from what I saw you have a lot of protentional  for growth!


RESEACH ADMINISTRATOR Billybob | THE RFA GOD | Wanderers Library Award Recipient X2 |

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