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SCP-1025, SCP-330 Regeneration test


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Name: Max Leery

Rank: Junior Researcher


SCP: 1025, 330


Participants: Junior Researcher Leery (Lead), Junior Researcher Krillman, Sec OFC Jack ling, D-class (3)


Research Idea: The Idea behind this test is to see if a D-class who was afflicted with regenerative cancer from SCP-1025 would be able to regenerate his hands after removing three (3) pieces of candy from SCP- 330.


Background research: We have observed D-class afflicted with this regenerative cancer be able to survive deadly injuries and If given enough medical treatment a subject was able to survive having their hands removed from SCP- 330.


Hypothesis: I believe that the D-class will be able to survive the loss of his hands and may even be able to regenerate his lost hands.


Observations: The test took some time to get started as two D-class looked at the wrong page and were subsequently terminated due to being damaged beyond repair. Once the third D-class opened the book he was afflicted with regenerative cancer and the test moved on to faze 2 and the D-class was moved to SCP- 330’s containment room. The D-class was instructed to remove three pieces of candy which he refused sighting the sign stating to only remove two. The D-class claimed with reassurance that he would be fine as he was quote “Such a good test subject and that he deserved a reward.” The D-class removed the candy and lost his hands he began to lose a large amount of blood and was in immense pain from the incident. During questioning the D-class stated that his whole body was in excruciating pain and requested pain relief. The D-class also stated that he did not feel weak or tired after losing nearly 2,000ML of blood after this questioning the D-class was then terminated.


Analysis/ Conclusion: It would seem that the regenerative cancer was able to regenerate the blood the subject was losing faster than the subject was able to lose it from the lost hands however it seems that the hands themselves were unable to be regenerated. My hypothesis would appear to be partly wrong as the subject did manage to survive however that hands did not regenerate. 


-Signed Dr. Leery

Edited by Leeryrelic6
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  • Leeryrelic6 changed the title to SCP-1025, SCP-330 Regeneration test

Writing (8/10)
Good writing, not many errors. And decent grammar
Creativity (8/10)
Amazing test idea, Involvement of other SCPs is always good!
Design (0/10)
Its on the forums and threes not much color so I cant really give a high score

Overall (5.33)

"Read Lesearcher"

Former ranks: Research Administrator + Professor RRH Analyst Zulu 99

CCs The Patrol Officer (Owner) Snowmen (Owner)

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