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Log #001 - SCP-1025 Test #1


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Researcher: Faux
Rank: Associate Researcher
Item #: SCP-1025

Question / Idea: SCP-1025 is a book labeled "The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases". With that in mind, my question is - relating specifically to what the title claims - if there are other diseases contained within the book that are not considered common or that are known at all, with the possibility of other anomalous SCPs to be found within the pages and 'reproduced' onto the Class-D Subjects.

Background Research: Research done was fairly simple, only needed to read thoroughly on SCP-1025's file and have an understanding of what diseases lie within the spectrum of "common". Though as an addendum I must add that further research revealed that the number of commonly known diseases that can affect the human being is much smaller than previously antecipated.

Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the book's title is a red herring to the total of its contents. "Common diseases" may seem like an extensive plethera of diseases, however from what the previous research revealed, currently there are roughly 10,000 known diseases that affect humanity as of now, being that the majority are not, in fact, common, and from inside the 1,500 pages in SCP-1025, I am almost certain I'll be able to find diseases not common or not known to humanity at all.


Observations (What Happened During Test): Multiple Class-D personnel were needed, due to the nature of specific diseases we've found. Ahead are the Class-D and the diseases discovered and read by them, organized in Sub-Logs:


Sub-Log #1 - "Petrification"
Subject: D-1140 "Moon"

Class-D was inserted into the room containing SCP-1025, where he read a paragraph about a diseases simply denominated "Petrification". After observing for as short as 3 minutes, the subject instantly stopped moving, as his skin seemingly petrified, becoming hardened and feeling tough to the touch. The subject could not move or talk, however he could still move his eyeballs around and breathe, although with apparent difficulty.

Result: Subject was terminated.


Sub-Log #2 - "Spontaneous Combustion"
Subject: D-1221 "Doug"

As previous, the subject was inserted into the containment room and ordered to read the specific paragraph found about "Spontaneous Combustion". Such a "disease", although somewhat known by the general public, is considered at best doubtful, with little evidence to show that it isn't caused by external influence. Nonetheless, the subject, after being observed for about 12 counted seconds, started to complain about feeling extremely hot, and after roughly 5 seconds later, started to scream in pain about fire and melting skin, though no fire could be seen and his skin seemed to be intact.

Result: Subject died shortly after, his skin was extremely hot to the touch.



Sub-Log #3 - "Regenerative Cancer"
Subject: D-0829 "Xester"

Subject was inserted into the containment room, and ordered to read the paragraph about "Regenerative Cancer". After an hour of observation, the subject continued to affirm that he didn't feel anything, however for security reasons we could not let him back into his cell while carrying an unknown disease, and was therefore set for termination.

However, as the officer present shot the Class-D, his wounds regenerated almost instantly, and the bullets that had penetrated him were later discovered to have apparently disintegrated where the wounds had recovered.

Result: Subject found to have acquired much stronger regenerative abilities due to the "disease", and was terminated using extra firepower.


Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Due to the invisible nature of the symptoms caused by SCP-1025, it's impossible to present visual evidence, but each test can be easily reproduced by bringing another Class-D subject to read the specific diseases.

Analysis / Conclusion: Not only are there diseases that are clearly not common, but there exists the possibility for multiple "diseases" that can cause benefits instead of direct harm, such as was observed with Regenerative Cancer. Though this could lead to a breakthrough eventually, there are multiple variables that could lead to disastrous results if the SCP is used improperly.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, and as a bonus we've seen that certain diseases read through the book could be - at least in short term effect - beneficial to human health and even lead to "upgrades".

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Good test log this isn't a grading but I like the sub logs and such!

Freedom at last.

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Well Done Researcher.

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