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513 Test


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On 2/9/2022 at 2:36 PM, Adams the research one said:

Test log assigned for grading, please wait 1-3 days for final grade


 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
Currently: Head Of Research | HOSM Sub-Zero | Ghost OA0 Emeritus Professor | R.A.U  Grand Commissioner 
Former: Security 1LT | Medical Supervisor | Moderator | Event Team Member 965374741_Designsemnome(14).png.95821f8db19c49555eea551835e2a17e.png

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Overall Grade: 4.75/10

Lore: 8/10

Test is very accurate to the lore of SCP 513 and doesn't seem to break it.

Creativity: 6/10

Idea was decent and somewhat creative but could have been better and more thought out in my eyes.

Presentation: 1/10

No effort put into the presentation of the document. Try to learn google docs various fonts and formatting options and create a template to use for your future tests!

Writing: 4/10

No grammar errors but very short; try to make your test logs longer and more thought out next time!

Notes: Put some more effort into your test logs please!


Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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