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scp 513 & 330 test


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Lore Name: Simon

Rank: Junior

SCP: 513 (and 330)


Question / Idea: What would the psychological effects of SCP-513 be on D-4782's mental health?

Background Research: All previous cases of SCP-513 involved a D-Class without any sort of medical assistance. Half of which already had cases of mental illness which played a role in worsening mental health.

Hypothesis: We needed a mentally stable D-Class Personnel, with no prior history of mental illness, to be able to ring the bell (513), given that they would receive a sufficient amount of food, water, and medical aid.

Observations: After 5  minutes of trying to locate the cell we finally arrived. After one minute of setting up, so the D-Class couldn't run off, we asked them to touch the bell. After about a minute of hesitation they did so. Only about 30 seconds after they started to see a figure in the corner. Over the course of 2 minutes they complained it was scratching them. After 10 minutes of hiding in the corner, we opened the cell to try to give him medical aid until they lunged out of his cell. He then ran to SCP-330's cell, along with the surrounding cells, kicking the doors down as he did. He ran into 330's cell to eat the candy from the bowl, only to have their hands fall off, which violently spewed blood all over the walls and floor. After 30 seconds of his hands falling off he fell on the floor and died almost immediately of blood loss.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): N/A

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-513's psychological effects are unpredictable. If we are to analyze 513's effects any further we must relocate their cell to heavy containment as soon as possible as to avoid another scenario like this one.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Unknown (Insufficient data).

Edited by Diablo1917
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