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Chad b's Captain Application

Chad B

Should I get CPT?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I get CPT?

    • Yes
    • No

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1.Rank You are Applying For:  Captain 

2.In-Game Name:  Chad B

3.SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:66578410

4.Current Rank: Lieutenant

5.How long have you been in your current rank?:  3 weeks

6.What time zone are you in?: PST

7.How many Warns do you have?:  0 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2601544346

8.Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):   With my past three months serving as a lieutenant I feel as I have proven myself to my high command. Just because I'm a command member doesn't mean I stopped training OFCs or Ride alongs, if anything I do it more now. There’s been times I’m on staff and I see our SNR+ officers are overwhelmed with a large number of OFCs and I get on to help out. I’m a firm believer that command needs to be the most helpful and set a good example for the lower ranks. Always being there to help with training or with situations where an officer might not what to do, To mentor them and help at every step. I take the initiative like during our recent PD training I volunteered to help out and train or officers on radio etiquette. Along with meetings, I always voice my concerns and give constructive feed back. Admittedly there’s been some challenging situations with my time as command, I was put into a position where I had to correct a fellow command member(same rank) for being immature about a situation and screaming at an SNR, my approach to it was to help the SNR on how to use the radio and to teach instead of yelling. I feel as if I’m level headed and calm and mature enough, thinking about everything logically and representing my department with pride. I would love to continue my career as PD low command and I think I’m ready for the next step

9.You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

PD Captain  Senior Moderator Late night minge patrol 

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