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Loaf's Delta-5 Command Application


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Your In-Game Name: Loaf

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:196808892

How long have you been playing on the server?: I first played back in mid-2019 then came back in September of 2020 and have been playing since.

List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.) : Head Of Maintenance And Engineering.

What Command position are you applying for? (list two): LTCOL/MAJ

Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): I want to become a Delta-5 Command member because I am intrigued and interested in the concept of a custom branch and the focus on GOI's sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I have never fully invested myself in a combat branch before, so doing so now would be a completely new experience for me and would introduce me to a lot of people I don't usually interact within combat branches, as Maintenance does not often collaborate with MTF on a large scale outside escorts. As I said in the last sentence, MTF SGT+ from E11 and Nu7 will no doubt try out for Delta-5, and consequentially I will get to know them and make some new friends on the server. After being command in of a non-combatant branch, the prospect of being command in a combatant branch is exciting for me. It is also a chance to see how exactly MTF command differs from non-combatant command and a chance to collaborate with new command members. As a Delta 5 member, I can play a more active role in the protection of the facility, being able to actively engage threats and (to a lesser extent because of priorities) play a part in the containment of SCP's and the control of D-Block. Going back to what I said at the beginning about interest in the whole custom branch concept, my final reason for wanting to become Delta 5 command is to support the branch and help it grow to its maximum potential. It is clear that both the creators of the branch and Igneous and Coltable put a LOT of effort and money into creating this branch, and I really want to see this branch grow into what it is meant to be. That is why I want to join the ranks of the Delta 5 command.

Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): I am the best option for the ranks of LTCOL or Major because I have more experience in leadership than most of the other applicants. (I say most because of course, Chief has more experience in site admin, combatant HCMD, etc). I have always done my best in the branches I've been in, and made big contributions, and gave all my support to them. You may notice I have not been command in any combatant branches, and think I do not have much combat experience. This is certainly not the case. I can hold my own in combat, though this is only a minor part of being command in an MTF branch. Being command is about leading and managing the enlisted of a branch (or low command if you're a command supervisor). I have lots of experience organizing enlisted and coordinating. While I of course will not be able to do this in Delta 5, I consistently keep Maintenance's roster up to date and fill the requests of my command, and enlisted to the best of my ability, proving my worth and experience in the sector of managing. This is why I am the best fit for Delta 5 command.

Why should we trust you for this position?: I should be trusted for this position because I am well quite well known among most members of the community, particularly in Utility but that is to be expected. In the duration of both my over 9 months in Maintenance and over 6 months in staff, I have never received a strike, and cannot recall the last time I ever received a verbal warning for something, let alone if I ever have in both of those ranks. I never have and never will maliciously abuse my powers for any reason, be it the powers of my current ranks or Delta 5 command if I were to be accepted. If I were to abuse my position, I would be removed from command and likely my other ranks as well. Why would I do that, when I love this server so much? That is why I should be trusted for this position.

Do you have past leadership/command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please): Yes, I'm currently the Head of Maintenance and consequentially was Senior Command in Maintenance as well. I am also a Senior Admin, but that is less command-ish and more overseeing staff and reporting things to JMT.

You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking an SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: I would respond based on how feasible getting there is: Since I am in LCZ, going after the CI as they are very likely trying to exfiltrate with the captured SCP makes my chances of catching them extremely low, since we are both moving at similar speeds, so unless another squad heads them off and holds a position like the elevators, they will likely exfiltrate before I can even get a visual. Despite this, I would choose to engage the CI due to GOI being first on D5's priority list.

You come face to face with a Junior Researcher in LCZ. They are going on and on about a suspected breached SCP nearby. They do not seem trustworthy and have a bad track record. What do you do in this situation?: I would ask on-site comms if anyone had seen said SCP in the area the JR spoke of and in the case that it is true, I would act accordingly to contain the said breach. If it is false and units confirm that the SCP is not breached, I would ignore the JR and inform other D5 and MTF to be wary of the JR.

What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?: I would hand out verbal warnings, strikes, and removals according to the severity of their actions.

How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?: Assuming they are asking me personally, I would inform them that they are required to attend a tryout to join the branch and there is no way around it and that if they do attend a tryout and pass, they will have to earn the right to rank up.

Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group: I would conduct an investigation on the whereabouts and nature of the GOI group according to the tip and assess if they are a threat or not and what exactly makes them a GOI. I would forward this information to higher command and let them add the intel to their book.

Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member of Delta-5 and to represent Delta-5 to the public?: I promise to uphold my duties as a command member of Delta-5 and to represent Delta-5 to the public.

Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?: I promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if I am accepted into Delta-5.

 Do you promise to treat others with respect, listen to superiors, hear out your subordinates, and live up to your name as Delta-5 Command?: I promise to treat others with respect, listen to my superiors, hear my subordinates, and live up to my name as Delta-5 Command.

Former Ranks      Head Of Maintenance And Engineering                Senior Admin          Support Supervisor        Forum Diplomat        

Custom Classes     The Sniper (Owner)        XG56-Orion's Belt (Owner)        The Engineer        

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