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The results of 100 diseases given to subjects and the percentages of each repeated disease. A report completed by the Research on 1025 division, consisting of R Crab, EXPR Tinny III and Avalon Levi.)


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Lore Name: Tinny III
Rank: EXPR
SCP: 1025

Question / Idea: What are the probabilities for certain diseases that 1025 can give you?
Background Research: Read about 20 activity logs regarding 1025 and the wiki page on the SCP.
Hypothesis: Blindness will be the most common, with regenerative being the least common.

Observations (What Happened During Test):
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

After about 30 tests and an entire week of this incredibly big project, my team and I have seen more than 100 diseases that 1025 may give, and I'll be sharing the likelihood of each disease from the testing conducted on SCP-1025.


In no particular order,

22/102 Class-D subjects suffered from Blindness

15/102 suffered Paralysis

14/102 suffered Regenerative

17/102 suffered Spontaneous Combustion

11/102 suffered Asthma

12/102 suffered Cardiac arrest

8/102  suffered Appendicitis

3/102  suffered Lung cancer


I would also like to note several comments upon 1025 that may prove useful in further testing of the SCP that were noted down upon our experiments.

I will start with the most important, SCP 1025’s blindness will revert over time, allowing the Class D full vision after about 10 seconds of the effect. It is imperative not to euthanize the subject. However, upon regaining sight, the subject will not be able to read the book again. I am still unable to decipher why this happens exactly, but it is worth noting nonetheless.

The effects of paralysis given to the subject will also make the subject completely unable to move in any way and completely unable to continue the test.

The effects of regenerative cancer are not immediate and do not make the subject invincible, the effect is quite slow and will be at best a slight help to the subject.
A good way to spot each disease if the Class-D refuses to tell you what disease he suffers from are the following, ordered from easiest to hardest:

If the subject suffers from spontaneous combustion: The Class D will immediately die from being incinerated by the effects of 1025.
If the subject suffers from Cardiac arrest, they will immediately drop dead without producing fire.

If the subject suffers from Paralysis, he will be unable to move his head in any way and will most  likely panic, so it is rather easy to tell when the subject suffers from the disease.

If the subject suffers from blindness, talk to them, if they’re able to look at your direction while you speak, they don’t have the disease. If they aren’t able to turn your specific way, and are moving their head wildly, they suffer the disease.

If the subject suffers from Regenerative cancer, hit them once. If the subject regenerates the damage, then he has the disease. If he does not, the subject will still be able to continue the test.
If the subject suffers from Asthma or Appendicitis , attempt to make them run and jump. If they have Appendicitis, they will be unable to jump or run, but if they have Asthma, they will be able to jump.

My team members and I will be adding further notes to the report as we collect them all here.

Now, finally, the percentages of the likelihood of each disease.

21.57% suffered from Blindness

14.71% suffered Paralysis

13.73% suffered Regenerative

16.67% suffered Spontaneous Combustion

10.78% suffered Asthma

11.76% suffered Cardiac arrest

7.84%  suffered Appendicitis

2.94%  suffered Lung cancer

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): This could only have been caused by the SCP in question, as no other SCP to my knowledge can give the same results.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Half of my hypthosesis was correct, blindness is the most common disease. However, Regenerative cancer is the 4th most common, with Lung Cancer being the rarest disease.

Edited by fisherman
Did the formatting this time, sorry I forgot about it. It was incredibly late when I did this and I was very excited.
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