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Frish´s Application for Lieutenant


Should I be LT?  

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Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant


In-Game Name: Frish

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:534043950

Current Rank: Sergeant Major

How long have you been in your current rank?: Around 4 Months

What timezone are you in?: GMT

How many Warns do you have?: 1

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):  So, the time has come again, I am puting in my application for Lieutenant. So why do I belive I should become a Lieutenant? I belive I´ve matured a lot during the summer and belive I´m ready to join back the Low Command team. I´ve also gotten more active on PD in the past few weeks. I´ve gotten much better with my aim and driving, meaning I can drive the 2015 Dogde Charger very well without crashing most of the time, but I do crash here and there. But my aim is the thing I have improved the most over the summer. I´ve gotten a lot of experience with a lot of the guns such as the P90, but also the RU556 and many others. I´ve also improved my Genstore raiding tactics due to being in SCO19, so if I get perms to help out on a Genstore robbery I can help out with that skill. I also belive I´m capable enough to tell if an OFC deserves to get the rank of SNR by how they Roleplay, drive and by how mature they are. 

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes I fully understand the rules


                                       Former SCO19 Chief Inspector Sergeant Major                                                                                      


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Looking at any type of application, wither it be a command position, staff position, or RP position, I am always looking for details and effort within applications. And NO I am not saying you didn’t put any effort or time into your application. But strong leaders and amazing departments heads didn’t get there off a paragraph of there  experience about getting better with driving a car or marksmanship. Don’t get me wrong, very important skills to have going into a command position, but put more of your experience and take your time with this, and I’ll gladly change my support cause I know you can do it sir!!! 

Edited by OGBlazey
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Police RP Moderator | GG4 Family Owner | 500$ Donator Gang  | PD Supervisor | FBI PA |


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On 10/2/2021 at 8:25 AM, Iancompallo said:



-Good guy


-Deserves the position



Best of luck to you Frish!


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 LT Mars 1L61 SCU SSGT Mars 1R61

EMR Mars 8828 SRT PFC Mars 1S61 Former Military RP Navy CMDR Form | Former Moderator | PRP Platinum Donator



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-support i really like you these are good skills to have but your app seeks  like almost to 0 leadership skills just driving better and shooting better  don't get me wrong really good things to have but a command spot  needs more than those skills 

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On 10/2/2021 at 1:43 PM, OGBlazey said:



Looking at any type of application, wither it be a command position, staff position, or RP position, I am always looking for details and effort within applications. And NO I am not saying you didn’t put any effort or time into your application. But strong leaders and amazing departments heads didn’t get there off a paragraph of there  experience about getting better with driving a car or marksmanship. Don’t get me wrong, very important skills to have going into a command position, but put more of your experience and take your time with this, and I’ll gladly change my support cause I know you can do it sir!!! 



As someone who is a commanding officer of a unit of 300+ people, I would not personally have you in a command position. Not that I don't see you as a good person or anything- (please don't think that is what i am saying. ❤️ ) If you can, show more leadership skills; Have patience, thinking before acting, etc. That is mostly what is useful when it comes to command/management positions.


TL;DR-- Shooty shoot skills and racing abilities are cool and all, but leadership capabilities is what we need in PD. If you don't recognize that leadership is the most important part of management, you aren't fit for the position. ❤️ good luck tho dude! You do good as a staff member.

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