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Officer Application


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What is your In Game Name? Akimbo

What is your In Current Rank? Special Agent

What is your Agent Name? Apollo Edge

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? 9/4/21

Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? Firstly because I love inferno and everyone in it, also I would love to be able to help people more and take on more responsibility within the regiment. Also I am almost on everyday for a few hours at least, which means I will be able to help people and guide people who are at lower ranks. I would also like to become an officer because I feel that I would be able to host lots of sims and trainings in between events, this intern will make people want to stay on the job and represent inferno as the elite regiment we are. I could deal with conflict/problems within the regiment when other officers cant be there, As I feel I understand how inferno works now and could pass the information on to enlisted/NCO ranks. Also as you can see I have no strikes which show I understand the rules and regulations of IF, but I have come across lots of people who don't really know how the regiment works, Luckily i started talking to people and learnt things fast but what i want to make sure is that there is a good amount of communication between the enlisted and officers at all times. 

How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  Like i stated above i am on a considerable amount of time each day and will be able to host tryouts/SIMs throughout that period of time i am on, i also feel that i could communicate with the lower enlisted ranks and make  sure they are aware of how the regiment works as i feel communication is key for a regiments growth within the lower ranks. Luckily IF have quite good communication but i still feel we could work on making sure enlisted and sometimes NCOs know what they are doing. I could also deal with conflict/problems within the regiment and resolve them quickly if no other officers are on. That is all main tasks i feel i could assist in, there is plenty more but i feel they aren't as important.

How many strikes do you have? 0

Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? I have none on gaminlight at all.

What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Officer Team? Activity, loyalty to the regiment, communication with other players and Attitude to work/responsibilities.

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  yes

Retired: Star Fighter Group Captain Chief Aviation Officer Inferno Squad Lead | Naval Senior Officer x3 |
Imperial Staff Member

Current: Imperial Commando Officer | 501st Officer | First Ever IC Hazmat LeadImperial Senior Moderator | 
Forum Diplomat

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I feel you are not yet ready to become an officer my advice is to tone down some of your activities that some people would find a bit mingy and to work on your attitude within IF

Although you do posses great leadership skills as well as being very active which is good in an IF Officer

Edited by TheRiceMan

Current: ST Pvt
EX Head Admin
EX Gamemaster Overseer / Head Game Master
EX Inferno Squadron Commander

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I'd say he would be a great officer if given the chance. 

Been really active within the battalion and been pumping activities and have the enlisted to do something, whether patrolling, check IDs w officers permission and so on. 

The only con would be to him is slight minginess that he has in him but that shouldn't not stop him from becoming an officer in any way as he matures more and more. 


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