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Bop/Rein Hart's IF Officer Application


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What is your In Game Name?

What is your In Current Rank?
Special Agent

What is your Agent Name?
Rein Hart

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad?

I have been in inferno squadron for 10 days.

Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]

I want to become an inferno squad officer to assist the battalion as a whole. With my addition as a JSL, I will be able to spread my experience to others by taking up a leadership role in the battalion. With the experience I have as DT VCMDR, I will be handing NCOs the opportunity to lead while I guide them, this will teach them how to lead and become great future officers. Being able to join the officer corps to assist the NCOs and enlisted is a big part of what an officer should be doing. I understand the inferno squad SOP and I am very knowledgeable on it in all aspects, with that being said I will be able to lead those below me very well as well as answer any questions that they might have for me. I want to better the inferno squad, and by becoming an officer I can do just that.

How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [100+ Words]

I will be able to assist inferno squad command in many ways. By becoming an officer, you get higher in the CoC, this means that you will be dealing with more issues than you would as an NCO. By being a part of the CoC I will be able to sort out internal problems within the battalion. I will be able to host many sims and training that will entice people to stay on more which will promote activity. Becoming an officer in Inferno will grant me access to announcements. With the announcements, I will be able to do flag ups to promote activity when it is low, notify other troopers that a big event is coming up, or if I'm setting up fun missions with IF and other battalions, bettering battalion relations.

How many strikes do you have? 

I have never been striked before.

Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? If so explain.

I am a current DT VCMDR, I have a lots of experience in leading.

What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Officer Team? 

I can carry over my knowledge and leadership skills that I have acquired over countless hours playing star wars RP. With the experience that I have on this server alone, being a DT VCMDR I can bring a lot to the inferno Squad officer team. I understand how to deal with situations correctly and accordingly as well as good at teaching others.

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  
(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)

I understand.

Edited by bop
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