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SCP-682 vs SCP-343

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Decoding log 01#
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Lore name: Dr Bastilone

Rank:Ast. Researcher.

SCP:Designated 682 (assisted).

Notes Pre-Interview: Convince Designated SCP-682 to be neutralized via usage of SCP- 343.

The background Research: We understand that designated 682 is an unkillable reptile-like entity that cannot be neutralized through any known means.

Hypothesis: The foundation is aware that 682 poses a major threat to continued Foundation work. Utilizing 343 as a counter to neutralize 682 to end threat. Beneficial for Foundation’s current survival.



To 343 Q: “Are you able to neutralize SCP 682?”

343 A: "You wish me to neutralize 682?"   

Q: “Yes, I wish that you can neutralize 682.”

A:"Why? It is not of my creation? I see no need to rid you of such?"

Q:” It poses a threat to our continued survival. It is destroying all of us and is unwilling to cease such aggression”.

A:”I will attempt to”.

Case log: SCP-682 continuously backed away from SCP-343 and refused contact. SCP 343 then made inaudible contact with SCP 682 and offered a form of beef product from hispanic culture [Referred to as now Taco Meat] SCP-343 then made audible contact with SCP 682 and asked the following:

SCP-343 Q: “Why are you so angry? You attempt to consume all living matter that comes near you?”

SCP-682 : No answer

SCP-343 : “Do you need more food?”

SCP-682 : No answer [Continues to devour the “taco meat”]

*At this point SCP-682 seems placated with sustenance provided by SCP-343.

SCP-682:”I need to survive.”

SCP-343:”Tell me why?”

SCP-682 : No answer


SCP continued to feast and then revert to its destructive nature once SCP-343 was recalled. SCP-343 was then questioned.

Q:”Why were you not able to neutralize SCP-682?”

SCP-343: “I did not create him, therefore I will not destroy him.”

Q:” He is a threat to all that exists, why contribute with his continued existence?”

SCP-343: No answer


Due to the lack of cooperation, the test was terminated and SCP-343 was thanked for its continued support of the Foundation.





Conclusion: Continued questioning of SCP-343 for reasons behind SCP-682's continued existence.






Edited by The Bearded Man-Child
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Research Test Log Grading.

" I wonder if Newton was bothered at the fact he got hit by an apple? "

Good evening Dr. Bastilone. Seeing new faces and logs in the Research division is always a delight and you are no exception to this. After overviewing your test log I have come to the conclusion it is of  '
Average Quality'. Essentially this means that your test log was not fundamentally flawed and ticks the boxes for a basic test log and is, by all means, a good test log however, there is room for improvement. Given this is your first test log this isn't surprising and if this log was to be compared with your peers of similar ranking it would be ranked extremely high. I am impressed.

" To go over your log in more depth. The test idea and method were well made and executed and the question of how to terminate SCP-682 is a constant pressure in our ears. Seeing you undertake a test to get to the bottom of this is reassuring at a potential solution being found. Something else to note is that this test is unique in its creation it is rare to see an Interview inside a test log and you have done it at a sufficient quality and I for one enjoy them. Lastly, the results of your test was interesting and you conveyed it well. Moving to some improvements the format could be improved for example, because both SCP-343 and SCP-682 came into contact it can be classified as a crosstest and thus both SCPs should be mentioned in the introduction part of this log (e.g SCPs Involved: SCP-343, SCP-682). Otherwise its a unique take upon the basic format we provide. I recommend you use our ultra safe and compact website (google docs) to create documents as you have more creative freedom in creating logs in it. The background information is short and should include some information on SCP-343. 

Overall, your test log was exemplary coming from a relatively new Researcher within our division and I am confident you will be able to progress far within our branch and achieve new heights. I am looking forward to additional logs from you. 

Edited by Train Overlord

Nothing special here, move on.

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