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Lower the fuel consumption of heavy trucks - Denied


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What you want to see? - Lower the fuel consumption of semi-trucks, tow trucks, etc.

Why should we add it? - I spend more time filling up my tank everytime than I do actually playing on the job and it has gotten very annoying not to mention to fill up my whole tank it's about 18k in a short span of time. I'm getting almost 400 gallons an hour consumed when I drive. To put it into perspective, a drive from inner city shell to outskirts cafe would require a refill just to get back to shell again. Don't get me wrong I like the gas idea but fuel consumption is just ridiculous. 

What are the advantages of having this? - Less time fueling more time RPing

Who is it mainly for? - Heavy truck drivers

Links to any content - N/A (Just a quick change that could be done without a restart)

No it's not "Nano" or "Noah" it's just "Nao"

EX S.W.A.T Commander

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