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Restricting the /demote Command - Denied


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What you want to see? - A restriction to make the /demote command only be used by staff members like how !noclip can only be used by staff.

Why should we add it? - The thing about the /demote Command is that it can only be used by Department Command or Staff. Yet, there is some players who use it incorrectly and/or does a false demotion of someone to get their way etc. I don't know how possible it would be to somehow restrict the command to make it so that if you tried to do the /demote command you can't. Make it for something like only people who are in the staff group can access it. Like how staff can only use staff powers such as !mute, !kick, !xwarns, etc.

I know it will make it harder for any PD LC or any Department LC to demote someone who is doing bad stuff, but can't since they aren't staff, but in reality, most Department LC is staff and I think there is usually plenty of staff online able to administer the Command.

This will A) Stop a bunch of false demotions, B) Make it more secure so people can't abuse it either, and C) Make the /report just a t i n y bit more used since it's only to be used by Staff.

Notes: If this cannot be done I understand, if this was suggested for I didn't see it, (but I'd rather not go through 58 completed pages, I got as far back when Matthew was manager and couldn't find anything) I would just want to see more enforcement cause it gets annoying creating an awesome Mini-Event with the help of actual roleplayers and JMT, having one of the best RP experience then have a angry OFC falsely demote you and make fun of your dead grandmother because you got pissed (Yes, this is exactly what happened and it's been dealt with)

What are the advantages of having this? - Stop false demotions, less abused, more /reports for CORRECT demotions.

Who is it mainly for? - General Staff, gives it so they can only use it.

Links to any content - N/A

ISB:IA- Agent Greg

Death Trooper - SN03

Senior Gamemaster

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we have to be able to demote and afk or rule breaking member at anytime its needed, if someone is doing it without perms or being staff/command they do get told off by staff for it so theres no need to change the rule 



$500+ Donator

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it would be hard in my eyes to make it so that only department command and staff can use it. sometimes at night there is no staff or command on so no one would be able to demote them. What if an SM has to demote someone who is minging off the job?

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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-Support, if they were to do that then they would need to make a role for PD Command, SRT Command, SCO19 Command so on and so forth. Having that would benefit the server in a way because they could give those certain roles access to whitelist certain roles, however it would be 100's of roles added to the server because you would need Trial Moderator role with PD Command for me and then you would need a role Like Admin PD Command FBI Command SCO19 command for tactical, that would need so much work involved that it wouldn't be funny. Overall -Support

PD Low Command (MAJ) | State Command (LT) | SCU MSGT | Armed Diver CC | Rockford County Deputy CC$400 Donator 

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