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Toasty's Goodbye


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Hello everyone, this is something I have been thinking about recently and while I would like to stay I thought this would be for the better. I felt like it wasn't right holding a command position while not being active and helping out with the branch so I decided to resign so someone more active can take up the spot I was in.

- Thankyou to all the friends I made in the branch for making it extremely fun to play everyday,

- Thankyou to all the people who made it an amazing experience being apart of the Chaos Insurgency. 

- Thankyou Gamma command for giving me the opportunity to move up the ranks and get to where I was. 

Thanks for reading this, while it is short I felt it would be wrong to leave without saying anything. Hope everyone the best of luck, Goodbye.

Former: O5-10 "The Mad General" / SCP-RP Head Admin / CI 2LT / Security CPT

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