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fatbobs officer application


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My in game name and rank is MC ATE SFC fatbob

My time zone is EST

My steam id is STEAM_0:1:120192035

 I would like to be a medical officer because I would like to move up in the ranks and take the next step forward in doing so. I would like to be able to help medical by being able to promote troops as seen fit, lead medical during events and continue to have fun while doing so.

on a scale of 1 through 10 of activity I would rate myself an 8 I am on daily and for hours at a time.

I am very active and despite becoming an nco 2 days ago I have already hosted 4 tryouts and trained 2 people, it has only been 6 days since I have joined medical and I have already made it up to SFC. I have climb the ranks very fast and I hope to continue to do so in the future.

I believe I command troops well however I think that is an aspect I need to work on, I have not had much experience leading troops because I am a more recent member however I believe becoming an officer will help me improve on those skills.

I am a lower rank then most of the people applying but I am more active then most. I will also continue to try and recruit as many people as possible to medical. I will also do my best to further climb the ranks in medical and help lead medical in the future.

Thank You

Former Medical Vice Commander fatbob 

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  • Great to play with
  • Doesn't minge
  • Seeks improvement in all aspects, and has initiative that I have seen in doing so
  • Very good activity


  • Still fairly low in NCO
  • Has not done many tryouts overall, but has a good rate of success in getting people to the tryout, since he actively seeks them out rather than sitting in medbay and waiting for people to show.
  • IMO needs to spend a bit more time in NCO to prove dedication and ability to command troops in battle and in the medbay

To help you improve your skills in leading troops, which I believe you will do well based on what I have seen from you, I would like to give you some chances to lead teams in SIMs and trainings, and encourage other officers to do the same. Please continue your strong dedication to medical! We need more people like you!

Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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Medical Command does not deem you worthy of the position right now.

Notes: needs more time as an NCO, app is short

You may re-apply in 2 weeks!


Ret. Shadow Guard V Noir Ret. SF EP GSO Ret. MC HS VCMDR Flanbro - Ret. GMVI/Mod


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