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Bagels HMR Application


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RS Bagel

Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Hazardous Materials Research division? (75 word requirement):

I believe I should be accepted into the Hazardous Materials Research division because, I do work with SCP-008 all the time (Its probably my favorite SCP) and I am very good at dealing and handling biological diseases/infections such as 610 and 008, I feel as if I have enough experience with these SCPS that I would be perfect for this role and will act professional. Also adding in R&D experience I have been researching for about a year now so I am very experienced in researching different SCP instances.

Provide links to the documents you have produced on biologically hazardous SCPs:


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10 minutes ago, Nydekore said:


-Great log

-He's command

-Great dude overall



-only one test log

chill dude

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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