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Fluffy's Officer Application


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1. What's your in-game name and rank:(Ex: MC HS SNR CMDR Blarg 2512):

MC SG 1SG RS Fluffy 8561

2: What's your time zone?:

Eastern Standard

3: What's your SteamID?: 


4: Why do you want to be a medical officer?: 

I've been working hard, doing the best I can for Medical and I believe the best way I can better myself and help my battalion is to move up the ranks and become an officer.

5: What's your activity like on a scale from 1 to 10: (1 being terrible activity and 10 being on daily for a while):


6: Why should you be a medical officer?:

I work extremely hard and won't take nonsense. I will keep Medical strong, and I'm constantly active. I don't get into trouble, I love SIMs and like to Roleplay, and will continue to rise and work through the ranks. 

7: How well do you command other troopers?:

I keep a level head and firmly, yet fairly, lead other troopers 

8: Why should we accept your application over other applications?: 
I'm online daily, and through the time I've spent on this game, I've been strengthening my skills and can help grow our battalion. 

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Medical Command does not deem you worthy of the position right now.

Notes: semi-active, short app, does not show enough dedication.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks!


Ret. Shadow Guard V Noir Ret. SF EP GSO Ret. MC HS VCMDR Flanbro - Ret. GMVI/Mod


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