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nightsoil's Application | Support Team


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What is your staff rank in Gaminglight?

SCPRP Moderator

How often are you on TeamSpeak?

Always while in-game, sometimes while I'm playing other games (I like to hear what's going on in-game and generally be in-the-know) and only really ever leave to sleep or AFK.

How often do you use discord?

Check it basically every waking hour of everyday unless I don't have access to a device. Use it to communicate and get a lot of RP and administrative things done with branches, staff and ET.

Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)?

The Support Team is, in many ways, staffing. At least, in my consideration. You get to help community members resolve difficulties, guide them through otherwise daunting situations, and more notably, further close the familiarity division between players and staff members. When support comes to mind, I think of people with the abilities to be patient and to understand a complication to the fullest extent before making a decision; a decision that, if not entrusted to be spoken by a person who speaks nothing but the truth and wants the best for somebody, could be disastrous for the reputation of the support team, and what it means to be there for somebody. The main reason I want to join the Support team is because I feel that I have an existing handful of qualities that most people would correspond with a person meant to guide new and veteran players alike; I like to believe that I make a wholehearted effort aid the experience of the sitizens that I help every time I fulfill my staff duties. Whether that be reminding a player of minutiae forgotten within a simple self-breach, or walking through a first-time SCP player of all the mechanics of playing SCP-049, I think a majority of people who know me would attest to most of the credit I give myself here. In summary, Support would be a fitting and enjoyable way for me to further interact with the types of people I miss out on dealing solely with sits in the everyday. If I feel that there is more room to contribute to a community I already like to hang out and around, and I feel I could handle it, I will always strive to participate.

How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way?

I would very much treat support and staffing as equally important as each sit or ticket is another opportunity to make a great impact on the members of the community. If a player comes to support with a minor complaint and the matter is handled without any care for the ticket, then the matter isn't ever fully resolved. This sort of behaviour sets a negative precedent for the standard of what the average player believes support (even relating to in-game staffing) is willing to help with. If I were to make it onto the support team, as I said, I would treat the matters very similarly to staffing. Wouldn't leave a single stone unturned if it even remotely relates to the problem at hand, and I believe that attitude towards solving problems as support should be a common trait among all of the support team. Making this sort of first-impression on a new player will give them confidence to always have the option to fall back on support to help them solve problems with their game experience. This logic can be explained simply with this; if a new player is treated well by support, they will be inclined to go to support for more of their inquiries. The exact opposite is true as well, discouraging new players from asking questions will lead to confusion and generally leave them unable to enjoy their time on the server.

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?

Assuming that their problem is detailed in the ticket already, I would start off with a broad prompt. I believe that being as neutral as possible when you ask what they need help with will allow them to think specifically about the problem they were originally asking. I would let them explain their situation, and make my reply off of that and base off my following replies with the original problem discussed. If the problem is not inherently displayed in the ticket, the same logic still applies. I would give them a broad prompt, and let them explain. A majority of staffing that I've experienced is very less of you talking, it's just you providing a final verdict and several small statements about the party most closely abiding by the rules. A semi-apt comparison to this approach would be giving the ticket maker a canvas and a paint brush. As an experienced artist, you'd know the tricks of the trade and form your opinions based on the strokes of the sit maker (I have no idea where I was going with this either)

15/4/2021 - 17/8/2021

Former: GENSEC MAJ | Nu-7 SM | RRH Guardian - Kilo 16 | Senior Moderator | Event Team Member | Support 1

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