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SCP 1025 and 999 crosstest


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Lore Name: Walter Scott
Rank: AR
SCP: 1025, 999

Question / Idea: Is 999 able to be infected by scp 1025 and does it experience similar symptoms as humans do?
Background Research: SCP 1025 infects people with the disease thats read out of it it also infects people that hear the reading 
Hypothesis: I believe 999 does get sick but might not experience similar symptoms

Observations (What Happened During Test): I had the D-Class read the chapter about the common cold shortly after reading the chapter he began showing symptoms of the common cold not much later 999 began showing symptoms of a cold he started sneezing green slime and began turning slightly green its not determined where the green slime came from
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): After taking 999 to the medbay we washed off the green slime and examined it it showed high concentration of anti-bodies and remnants of bacteria
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

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Great test idea

Very descriptive

Poor grammar

No stimuli

Poor formatting 

Note: If you would like assistance with improving your test log see me in game or in TS, I would be more than happy to assist.

~Graded by RAS Stepanyan


Edited by Dion The Goat

~ Former Research Assistant Supervisor Stepanyan


MTF Alpha-1, codename "Red Right Hand"

Agent Pomegranate

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