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SCP 012 test

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Lore Name: Juck luck

Rank: Researcher (R)

SCP: SCP-012


Question / Idea: how long you can last resisting the urge to finish the the music sheet

Background Research:  SCP-012 was retrieved by Archaeologist K.M. Sandoval during the excavation of a northern Italian tomb destroyed in a recent storm. The object, a piece of handwritten musical score entitled "On Mount Golgotha", part of a larger set of sheet music, appears to be incomplete. The red/black ink, first thought to be some form of berry or natural dye ink, was later found to be human blood from multiple subjects. The first personnel to locate the sheet (Site 19 Special Salvage) had two (2) members descend into insanity, attempting to use their own blood to finish the composition, ultimately resulting in massive blood loss and internal trauma.

Hypothesis: The D class will last around 15 seconds before giving in and finishing the music sheet

Observations : I had put D-1245 into the cc of 012 and had instructed him to see how long he could resist the urge of 012. As the test was going on he was muttering to himself that he had to finish the music sheet but continued to resist it and after 8 seconds had finally succumbed to 012 and began to rip into his wrists whilst muttering i will finish this piece and begun writing with his own blood on the sheet before later dying of blood loss

Evidence/Visual Stimuli :N/A


Analysis / Conclusion : The conclusion of this test was that even if you tried you could not resist the urge of 012 to finish the music sheet

Hypothesis:  my hypothesis was incorrect but still proved some new information to see how long you could resist the urge

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