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Officer Application Darco Zyn (Re-write)


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What is your In Game Name?

Redacted: Rexer

What is your In Current Rank?

Warrant Agent

What is your Agent Name?

Darco Zyn

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad?

Over 3 weeks now

Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words] (166 words)

From the day I joined Inferno Squad I set a goal for myself. That goal was to make a career in this division. Part of that goal as well was getting to know more about my new online family that I have found. I've enjoyed every part of this division since I joined. I’ve been a born leader and a good leader at that, and I feel with the chance to be an Officer would give me the opportunity to show my full strengths. Being an Officer would also help me extend my ability to help this division even more. I want to be able to help all members of the division in as many ways as possible. Being an officer would put a lot more responsibilities on me that I believe I can live up to and am ready. I'll be able to meet all quota’s and again give this division more strengths. I know I can be a value if given the officer position. 

How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [75+ Words] (125 words)

One thing I love to take pride in with this division is my activity. I am on almost every day for 3-10 hours and since becoming an NCO I've hosted many tryouts, been a part of many sims/events, and I've made sue the ships key areas are safe. I like to also take pride in my leadership skills. I am strong minded and. Being the rank of Officer would give me the opportunity to help this division. Being as active as I am I would be able to keep up to date with all quotas of an officer and be able to do everything and more required from an officer. I know my knowledge and skills can help this division even more with this rank. 

How many strikes do you have? None

What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Command Team? 

-Prior roles in leadership         

- Problem Solving


-Critical Thinking


- Communication




-Very active                              

-Born leader

-Eager to learn


Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  
(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes. I understand this.

Note: Sorry about the confusion. This is my new App and I just thought I needed to fix it up.

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+/- Support 

+ I’ve seen that you are quite active in IF.

+ super nice and fun to talk to!

+ app looks good! 

Good luck!

189th Mandalorian Corps Imperial Fleet Brigade 

183rd Siege Unit Star Fighter Zeta Wing
Coming Through Star Wars GIF by michaelmarczewski

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Please contact a member of command for your training when next available. Also request tags in the discord.

Congratulations on your new rank.

Last-Senior Commander Iden Versio (First IF SharpShooter Overseer, Last Commander ID10,Team Chestbox Gang)

Founder of the Gaminglight Christian Alliance Ex-Super Admin SawickM/Forum Diplomat/Supportspacer.png

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