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How to Use & Abuse: Flashlight


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How to Use & Abuse: Flashlight

A guide on using your shitty weapons to your advantage

Item Name: weapon_doom3_flashlight

Base Damage: 40

Description: This weapon is given primarily to R&D personnel, it is a melee weapon with decent range, amazing hit detection, and a decent bit of damage.

When holding, the flashlight effect one would usually get by pressing "F" is now permanent until you unequip the flashlight, once you do it goes back to how it works normally.

The flashlight's fire-rate is about 1 hit per-second, the flashlight smacks the opponent once, before being able to be used again.

How to Use: The flashlight is only usable in close-quarters combat, however I would not use it in this scenario. The flashlight works better as a distraction tool rather than something to intend to murder someone with.

"But Jummy, why shouldn't I buy a shotgun instead?"

Well I'm happy to explain.

How to Abuse: This weapon's coding is busted, since it's not a TFA weapon, I believe it works very differently than most weapons.

When hitting a player, the flashlight will not account for:

- Being picked up with a gravity gun

- Being blocked with a Riot Shield <- This one's important.

- Being cuffed

Now most of these don't really have uses, outside of minging of course. However one comes into practice alot more than you may think.

Riot shields are the bane of many existences, they feel unfair, they are for BIG BOY DONATORS, and they will just be really annoying to deal with.


So this flashlight can be used to make their lives a living hell, they don't have a shield, they're just holding out their keys at this point.

End Note: Hi, I made this cause I wanted to make a guide on how to dick around with a weapon.

Don't like, hit staff during sits with this, that's all.

Probably not gonna make another one of these, but if I find another broken weapon I will.

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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Why u think wardens have this 😉

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