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035 and 610 crosstest

a frog

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Lore Name:Frog

Rank: Lead researcher  

SCP:035 /610


Question / Idea: What would happen if you put 035 and 610 into the room and how would they react to each other

Background Research:The entity named scp-610 is a pile of flesh that is known to infect anything that it touches that is biological and the other 610's can vary to attacking everything in its way or infects anything in its way like the original 610.


The other entity is 035 it is a porcelain  mask that can persuade people to wear it and can also infect the host to where it gains full functionality and memories of the host that puts it on and it is known to be persuasive and it hostile to almost anyone that comes near it




Hypothesis:My hypothesis would be that one of them would try to infect the other  and gain the power of 035 or have the power of 610


Observations (What Happened During Test):I had a mtf squad meet me at 035's cell and help me recover the mask so we could use it for testing, the mtf had 2 hazmat units so they wouldn't be infected and earmuffs on to stop them from hearing 035. We then had a dclass put on the mask so 035 could walk into the cell so the mtf wouldn't have to,035 complied with our orders and then entered the cell.

When 035-2 entered the cell he saw the creature and was told on 610's pa to try to convince it to put the mask on. The 035 complied and was talking with 610 for a second until 610 started to go towards 035,035 tried to fight the 610 but it ended with vain without a thought 610 knocked off 035 of the host and then presumed to turn the dead d class into 610.

After that Dr. Bright rushed into 610's cell trying to kill it but he was turned to causing 610 to breach, the mtf also had tried to kill 610 but the Dr bright 610 ran at them and turned them into 610 as well, It wasn't long before everyone in the room got turned into 610 as well.The test was terminated and all other personnel took the elevator out and when the 610 went up they were met with 4 mtf units and were terminated and later the 035 mask was contained by mtf hazmat units and put back into its cell.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):The conclusion ended with 610 infecting 035 by just be faster than him and it ended in a breach caused by Dr bright.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?Yes it was the two tried to infect each other like I said they would




E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
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 Former RESEARCH Manager Zack Morden 

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