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ACM application


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1. What is your Ingame Name:  Rebecca Chambers  

2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:97814532    

3. Rank: EXP Medic    

4. Time on server: 1 week   

5. Total strikes ever received:  2 strike (I think it was innactive because I joined sub-branch scientist medic but I wasn't on that class so I remove all my sub-branch)  

6. How many warns do you have on GL: 0   

7. Who gave you permission to apply: Nefario and Krieg    

8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:  9

Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): Because in alots of fps and ultrarialistic fps game I play has the combat medic, like in squad I play the medic so I call heal the soldier that are injured so they can go back in the battle, or in battlefield I also play the medic class so I can heal the others and so they could go back in the battlefields. In all of those games I get high score just because I'm doing a lot of healing. I also wanted to be ACM to help the foundation combatants by healing them before going back to action and also, because I wanted everyone to feel safe and secure when I'm around. The real reason why I was a nu7 It's because  I wanted to be able to be a nu7 medic, but they removed it as soon as I joined that branch, so I was mad about it because all the effort I did to just join that branch. When I'll be ACM, I will be for sure active has a medic since it's the only jobs that I think I will appreciate the most.

10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do?  I told him: sorry sir I will heal him first and as soon as I finish I will directly go help you fend off the ci's. and so I will gate to a more safe position with the MTF E-11 CPL and start the healing procedure and after he is fully heal I will go help the mtf on fending off the ci's with that CPL that I healed.   


Edited by Darkrat
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Please speak to Medical High Command for your whitelist

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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