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Hiroshima's Resignation


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I apologize for getting anyone's hopes up for me returning to Security because it was my fault for choosing the worst time to come back to Security. First thing I want to point out is I am not leaving Security on bad terms, but I am leaving Security because of me. I have been swamped with schoolwork, tests, and projects that I just cannot get on the server and do my duty as Security Command . If I were to be active in Security, I would have to take like 1- 2 months off from the server and that is not going to cut it as a Command Member. The second thing is I do not have any motivation to play Security anymore. I tried so hard to try and have any ounce of motivation to play Security again, but I couldn't get myself to play it whatsoever. I have lost interest in playing Security and lost motivation to get on the job at all. The third thing for this is to keep my mental health in check. The school work, being a command member, trying to uphold all of the duties and responsibilities of Security put me at my breaking point. Stress has been one of constant factors that drives me away from Security and to be honest, it is killing me from the inside. This is a decision I need to make or otherwise my health was just going to get worse.

For all of these reasons stated above, I decided that I should really resign from Security. Since it hasn't even been a week since my reinstatement, I will lose my reserve spot and would probably never become Security Command again. However, this is not me resigning from the server as I quite enjoy my other life on this server. Another reason I wanted to leave Security is to focus on my Utility life as well. Utility has been so much fun to me that I am very interested in pursuing it and I don't receive any stress from that life. If any of the Security CMD or Security in general wanna talk or hang out, I will be available  to do so.

Speaking of Security CMD, It was a blast talking to them again. I had a lot of fun talking to all of them and they are all cool people. I wish the best for all of them in the future on this server. Anyway, I probably written too much in this resignation {since I like typing a lot) so I will shut up now.

Also, to all of the NCOs that read this resignation, It was not fair for me to take a WO spot. There is no reason for me to be given a WO spot when I was not active for the entirety of this week. I know how it feels to wait for the chance to become Security CMD (since I had to wait like 3 weeks for CMD Application to come out  before lol). So with that, I wish the best of luck to all of the NCOs and Senior NCOs on the Command Application when they are available. 

To end this resignation, I hope everyone in Security has a fun and enjoyable time and I hope I can talk to some of ya'll on the server


Former Security JFTO WO Hiroshima

P.S: Ya'll should make more suggestions for Security. Trust me, Security High Command love the suggestions 🙂 

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17 hours ago, Nagasaki said:


Since it hasn't even been a week since my reinstatement, I will lose my reserve spot and would probably never become Security Command again.


If you think we are going to CMD blacklist you or something you are mistaken. Being a member of CMD is difficult at times and with IRL things it can be like a job.

I hope you enjoy utility! Arrivederci.

Retired LCZ Manager Pingas

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