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General Suggestion - Chaos Insurgency: R&D F4 Menu


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What are you suggesting? -  The current Layout of the R&D section of the F4 Menu is a bit weird. Always has been, for 2 reasons. One is that it's technically out of order. The second issue is that because of which Model comes first, and which comes last for each job, some of the models display R&D's usual suit, however, most display the hazmat model, (as shown in the screenshot below) and default to the hazmat model when people first flag onto the job. The main model for R&D is meant to be the Suited ones, not the hazmat, and we often offer to recruits that they should switch the the suits rather than the hazmat, but it would make it much easier if the model order was rearanged to default to the suit, and display the suit model for the jobs icon in the F4 Menu. It just looks... Gross

It'd be nice if the job order looked like this, specifically in this order, from top to bottom:

CI R&D Gamma Command
CI R&D Delta Command
CI Sleuth
CI Bio Engineer 
CI R&D Field Researcher
CI R&D Beta Agent
CI R&D Alpha Agent


How would this change better the server? -  Looks neater, and it makes that portion of the F4 Menu easier to navigate

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Not that I can think of

Who would this change mostly benefit? -  R&D, CI, D-Class getting trained for CI

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -



Edited by NeoID

With Best Regards,
CI R&D Deputy Director Of Operations

|| - Retired SCP-RP Event Team Leader || Retired SCP-RP Admin || -Retired CI R&D Head of Research||

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