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New player guides / Donator information [Denied]


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I've recently watched a Youtube video show casing Gmod StarWars. It lucky happen to be our community here at GamingLight. I have never played Gmod in my life and followed the directions on how to download all the material through steam. However, after playing for a little while I became very unclear and unsure of what our purpose as Storm Troopers are while on the hanger. I went to the forums and tried to find information in our FAQ and other sources through the forum. I couldn't find anything else besides for information that doesn't regard in-game questions. I saw that there was a donator and saw all the jobs you have access to for buying a donator level.  

Once I purchased this Darth level I went into game and had fun with all the droids and then experimented with Shock. At first everything was good because I Rp and had everything correct no questions asked. Asked other shocks where our posts are and they advised me where to go. However, I joined the 501st and was immediately demoted to stormtrooper. Then a Admin Situation became of this. I was ultimately told I cannot play as any jobs through donator without actually being in their battalion. Which I understand this now. However, this is VERY unclear and not specified in the "store" for any of the donator levels you can purchase. IF I would have known this I would be more likely to not have bought this. Now that I am stuck with it I guess Ill get my money worth. Also the store claims we are suppose to receive 400 credits an hour and only receive 200 an hour could this be updated please?

My concern is there is no information as far as rules for roles on our website here at GamingLight and no one in-game seems to know specific rules as far as roles. I've asked multiple other SHOCK troopers lawful questions for crimes and most of their answer was if they don't shoot they don't get arrested unless they cross the line. 

My complaint/suggestion would be to update the "store" and donator roles saying you MUST be apart of the battalion you wish to use the donator role of.  Also please make a guide for us new players whom never played a Gmod role play server.  




If any information in this is not correct such as me saying you cannot play  as a donator level position l in a battalion you're not apart of please let me know. I would like being able to switch between the different battalions with donator privilege's. 

Edited by Ozzy
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If you have any specific questions, I know that our Command Team will be willing to respond to them, 
If you have anything you'd like to ask right now, I can respond. 

"receive 400 credits an hour and only receive 200 an hour" - This is highly dependant on the Job you play, It can increase/decrease on the Job. 

Whilst I do agree, It should be listed within the donation store, I also feel it has a common sense aspect, For instance, How would you be able to have that weapon & gun without training ect... - You get my point, 


Edited by Kieran ♡

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That would be awesome if there could be a guide made for completely new Gmod players on the Starwars servers. Like a tips and tricks tab that highlight common commands (like increasing voice chat command that someone showed me)  or just basics of hitting f4 to bring up the job menu. Anything would really help. 

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