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SCP 5208 interview | Object class Euclid

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<Item #5208>

Object class Euclid



Item Description: "a toy soilder" Hostile to all life forms they encounter, seemingly attack everything, sentinent in packs:


**A door can be heard opening**

AR REDACTED: SCP-5208, according to the foundation you are labeled as a "toy soilder" is this true to you?

5208: What the FUCK did you just call me?

AR  REDACTED: No need to get aggressive, this is simply an interview.

5208: Listen here partner, I dont know who you think you are, but YOU DONT, Talk to me that way.

5208: Now i will entertain this little interview of yours.

AR REDACTED:  How long have you been in the military?

5208: your gonna need to pay me to answer those kind of fucking questions chose a different one.

AR REDACTED: Where were you deployed?

5208: Now your asking questions i'm willing to answer. I was deployed in Southern Africa off the coast of madagascar

AR REDACTED: What war was this?

5208: This was war Z26-1, yes the one with all the zombie fuckers, not gonna go into to much detail next question

AR REDACTED: How long have you served for?

5208: i already fucking told you, your gonna need to pay me to answer those kind of fucking questions so chose a different one.

AR REDACTED:   what army are you from?

5208: Dont matter

AR REDACTED: what are you?

5208: The fuck you mean what am i? im a god damn soilder. who do you think yo uare

AR REDACTED im the person keeping you alive and not feeding you to a lizard for research

5208: ahh you mean that 682 thing? ive heard of him, you got some thin wals.

AR REDACTED do you like being able to hear through the walls?

5208: gives me something to think about and keep me sane

AR REDACTED were you spec ops by chance?

5208: next question

AR REDACTED what year did you start serving?

5208: ask me one more fucking time and i will end you

The rustling of a pack of cigaretes can be heard

AR REDACTED what year did you start?

5208: now were talking, i started in 1937

AR REDACTED did you have a spouse?

5208: Im not gonna talk about it, and i have answered enough questions, goodbye doctor.


What have we learned from this interview? SCP 5208, is willing to talk under the right conditions, he can be easily persuaded by both cigarettes and alchohol. the SCP does not like to answer personal questions, we are only able to obtain some general information at the time of this interview.

Did we learn any valuable information? we now know how we can have SCP 5208 coperate with us to a certain extent, further research will be needed.

Extra information: no individuals were harmed in the process of this test, knowing how we can have 5208 coperate opens a whole new plura of ideas. I beleive further research will be necesary. 



SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP: MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |  DT SGT FF5


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Grade: 90/100.

Grammar: 70/100. I would give higher but I do see a little bit of spelling errors and sometimes forgot to add : when AR REDACTED is talking when to the end plus when talking some of the words aren't capitalized.

Format: 100/100. I think this format looks really great and if you do another interview then I would do this again.

Creativity: 60/100. I love what is asked but interviews are always done on SCPs but the questions are good and I feel are unique compared to other questions.

Lore: 98/100. I think the lore is great and I hope to see more of this kind of lore done.

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