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how are yall?


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pretty pog ngl

                         Current Police RP Positions   

  • C.E.R.T Co-Commander | 1K33
  • Umbrella Corp | LVL 1

               Prior Police RP Positions
  • Retired | Reserve Police Assistant Chief | 1K-9
  • Former | Trooper Major | 1H03
  • Former | C.E.R.T Team Leader x2 | 1TL03
  • Former | Reserve SPMU Head Patrolman | 1HP01
  • Former | Reserve DOC Warden | 1CW33
  • Former | Reserve RRU Director | 8701
  • Former | Reserve EMS Deputy Chief | 8603
  • Former | SCU Co-CMDR | 1K33
  • Former | Secret Service SAIC | XR03
  • Former | UMC Paramilitary | LVL 4  
  • Signed, Ajax Reyes.
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